Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

Scott Beebe admits he’s not a good marketer.


He might even admit he’s a little jealous of people who are good marketers.


But what Scott Beebe does do well is what plenty of people wish they could do.


Scott Beebe is the Founder and Head Coach of


He also hosts the Business On Purpose podcast. Small business owners pay him well to help them articulate and implement intentional Vision/Mission/Values, Systems, and Processes which can liberate them from the chaos of working IN their business. Once they’ve shed the shackles, they find the freedom to work ON their business (shout out to Michael Gerber of the E-Myth!)   


So ya. Scott Beebe is a pretty terrific guy.

When he played football, he played a little known position called the deep snapper. The deep snapper may not get all the glory that a quarterback or star wide receiver gets, but no team can succeed without a great deep snapper. The deep snapper is a special teams specialist whose duty is to snap the football over a longer distance, typically around 15 yards during punts, and 7–8 yards during field goals and extra point attempts.

Why is this position so important?

Ask anyone who played for the New York Giants on January 5, 2003 when the deep snapper botched a snap on a field goal attempt that could have won the game for the Giants, who had led 38–14 at one point in the game. But they lost. And they were taken out of contention for the Super Bowl that year.

Scott understands that small businesses can't afford to botch any snaps if they hope to succeed long term and qualify for their own super bowls.


During our pre-chat, we discovered that Scott attended the high school I once taught at in Lake Oswego, Oregon (Go Lakers!) before he and his family moved to South Carolina where he lives today with his own family.

It really can be a small world.


Life is good like that!



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