Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

In this week’s audible, I share the story about my sixth grade bully and the impact getting bullied has had on how I’ve played my position over the years. I also have an exciting announcement to share with you so stay tuned for that!


As far as the big picture of bullying goes… We tend to think of bullying as a kid problem but it’s actually a human problem. Bullying in the workplace is on the rise and it’s impacting the bottom line of a lot of companies because people who don’t feel safe at work aren’t producing the work the companies expect them to. Every target of a bully may lose up to 200 hours of productivity annually. If that targeted employee takes sick or vacation time, it may be a total of 400 hours of lost production to the employer.


Here are a few 2017 stats about workplace bullying sponsored by the Workplace Bullying Institute:


  • 60.3 Million American workers are affected by workplace bullying
  • 70% of workplace bullies are male, 30% are female
  • Rank -- 61% comes from the boss; 33% is coworker driven and 6% from the bottom up


Some other things about bullying I found about come from Brandon Gaille, who is one of PYP MVP’s Epsiode #77:


  • 62% saw sabotaging of others’ work or reputations as the primary form of bullying in the workplace.
  • 80%. That’s the percentage of bullies who are able to have a negative effect on 5 or more co-workers.
  • 37% of the people who are targeted by bullies are considered to be “compassionate and kind” co-workers. Only 6% of the targets of workplace bullying are aggressive.

I can relate to that last set of stats -- as a compassionate and kind person, I was an easy target. There’s a growing body of work in the scientific community about the effects of trauma on our lives, the way trauma manifests in our minds and our bodies. Bullying is no small matter. Having been a victim of bullying, I understand this. If you or someone you know are experiencing workplace bullying or online bullying or any kind of bullying, check out  and Both provide relevant information and resources for people experiencing bullying.



Here is my exciting announcement!


I am gearing up to launch the PYP Leadership Academy! The PYP Leadership Academy is something I’ve been thinking about for at least two years and I will tell you that making this announcement public is terrifying me, but also exciting me because it’s time. I’m being called to expand the PYP brand and message in a greater capacity. Those if you who have listened for awhile know my background is in formal education. I have a masters degree in teaching. I’ve won numerous awards for my instructional abilities and I consistently earn the highest reviews whenever I lead workshops. As I was telling somebody the other day, for whatever reason one of my superpowers is people just feel safe when they work with me. I have a quiet, calm and powerful energy that attracts people to me and you get a lot when you work with me.


I’ve set up a special page for people to express your interest without committing to anything. Go over to where you can put your name and email address indicating your interest.


You’re not signing up for the program. This is for me to get a sense of the interest level out there.


The PYP Leadership Academy Beta Program will focus on what I call fundamentals of success in life, business and career. I’m going to strip things down to the bare essentials and I’m doing this because I have discovered that basic fundamentals, basic principles of success are missing in society today. People want more and gaining a deep understanding of these fundamentals is a fantastic way to help you get to the point where you can honestly say, “This is the life I have always wanted.”


This program will be 7 weeks. It will follow the format you hear on my show, Kick off Move the Chains and Touchdown. We will dive deep into a handful of success categories including technology, mindset, time, money and culture. I will have a curriculum that will include short reading assignments and podcast listening outside PYP -- some carefully selected episodes of shows that bring value to our coursework together.  You will have access to a playbook that you’ll get to download and use throughout the program. and probably the best thing about it will be the baked in accountability and community. This for those of you who are hungry to take your life, business and/or career to that next level. I’m limiting enrollment to 20 people so I can provide personal attention to everyone. It’s going to be awesome!


PYP Leadership Academy

PYP Website


Direct download: The_Story_of_My_6th_Grade_Bully.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST