Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

The world is grieving and trying to make sense of the loss of Kobe Bryant, a man, a father, a basketball superstar, and a symbol of all that is good about being human and playing our positions throughout our lives. The world is also grieving the loss of his 13-year old daughter Gianna and seven other passengers who died tragically in a helicopter crash on Sunday, January 26, 2020. 


Today's episode is a tribute to Kobe Bryant who exemplifies all that this show stands for. May his sudden and unexpected passing be yet another part of his tremendous legacy and inspire all of us to love harder, grow stronger, and be better for each other and for the world moving forward.

🏀 ❤️ 💯



Direct download: Kobe.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST