Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

In today's episode, you will hear Amina Moreau discuss the future of shared workspaces as she and her business partners see it. She is a powerhouse of ideas, full of positive energy and enthusiasm for what’s possible! Get ready to think differently about what co-working spaces are and where you have your next team meeting.

Amina Moreau has a long and varied work experience. Amina began her career in 2004 as Cofounder and Executive Creative Director at Stillmotion, Inc., a five-time Emmy Award winning band of filmmakers.

In 2013, she co-founded Story & Heart, a footage licensing marketplace, education platform, and collaborative community of storytellers. That same year, she became a Partner at Marmoset, an off the beaten path, boutique music marketplace.

In 2017, she took on the role of Director of the Greater Portland Tennis Council, where she worked to give back to the community through the sport of tennis. In 2018, she became an Adjunct Professor at the University of Oregon's School of Journalism and Communication, teaching graduate students about the business of storytelling.

In 2020, she founded Float Small Business, a website that encourages small businesses to set up fundraising campaigns and gift card offerings. Additionally, she is the CEO and Cofounder of Radious, an online marketplace that turns houses, apartments, and other residential properties into collaborative workspaces, rentable by the day.

Connect with Amina Moreau

On LinkedIn: 

On the Radious website: 

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Direct download: Amina_Moreau.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST