Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

Well Team -- I've achieved a new milestone here at the Play Your Position Podcast!

Today's episode featuring the super accomplished, insightful, and hilarious Dr. Taylor Hartman marks number 500 of the show.

500 y'all! I am celebrating!

I remember thinking way back in the dark ages of early 2014 when I first started podcasting that having 50 episodes sounded impressive.

Here I am with 500 and I am proud of my work. 

I am honored to have had the opportunity to converse about leadership and life with as many wonderful humans as I've had since I started.

And I'm grateful to all of you who tune in to the show each week.

I love you, Team PYP!

Are you ready for kickoff???

Let's go!

About Dr. Taylor Hartman

Through The People Code (formerly published as The Color Code) and The Character Code, Dr. Hartman provides a universal message, simple and profound: life is about relationships.

As an author, psychologist, corporate consultant and leadership coach, his life’s work has centered on providing an insightful system for improving your understanding of yourself and others and strengthening your day-to-day relationships with the People Code Personality Profile.

The People Code explains the “why” behind the “what” by identifying four basic personality types and showing you how to use “color profiles” to cultivate rich and balanced character and relationships.

In today's conversation, he goes into detail about the four colors. You will walk away with a new understanding of why you do what you do and perhaps more importantly, why others do what they do!

Use the code KAYSER30 to save when you sign up to take the powerful and life-changing Hartman Personality Profile Test here: 

Of all the assessments I've taken over the years (and I've taken them all), the Hartman Personality Assessment is by far the simplest to understand AND the most effective for strengthening relationships. 

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My latest book, The Far Unlit Unknown -- is available everywhere books are sold including Audible! Get your copy and learn more about it here

Are we connected yet on social? 

@maryloukayser (Instagram) (LinkedIn)

Direct download: Dr_Taylor_Hartman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST