Tue, 20 February 2024
Linda Cohen is an international keynote speaker, consultant, author, and trainer who considers herself a kindness catalyst. She shares the ROI of kindness with businesses and associations around the world through customized interactive programs for team meetings and conference keynotes with enthusiasm and expertise. Linda believes kindness is no longer a nice to have in the workplace, but an imperative skill for leaders and employees to cultivate. She says that kindness is at the basis of every aspect of a positive company culture from recruitment and retention to morale and burnout. Her book The Kindness Economy showcases nemerous examples of the ways employing kindness into compnay culture generates improvement in these common performance metrics. In short, Linda proves again and again that leaders who develop a "kindness practice" build stronger organizations and bigger bottom lines. Linda lives in Portland, Oregon where she enjoys spending time with her family. Connect with Linda on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindamcohen/ On her website: https://lindacohenconsulting.com/ = = = = = |