Thu, 29 June 2023
Get ready for the fun energy! My guest this week is Mario Lanzarotti and he exudes excitement and enthusiasm for all of life! From CEO’s to Olympians and mission-driven entrepreneurs, Mario Lanzarotti helps high-achievers all across the globe gain the mental clarity and focus necessary to achieve what would normally take years, in 6 months or less. Mario is highly skilled in helping participants overcome mental and emotional blockages, which enables them to reach a much higher level of performance and well-being. He has been certified as an NLP, life-, executive-, body- as well as hypnotherapy-coach. He also completed the Landmark Forum Advanced Course, the Self Expression Leadership Program, as well as Tony Robbins signature, 4-day event, Unleash the Power Within. Mario has participated in a variety of spiritual plant ceremonies such as Ayahuasca, San Pedro and Psilocybin Mushrooms conducted by traditional Today, Mario travels the world on a mission to raise the consciousness of humanity through his master classes on conscious leadership and next level Mindsets. = = = = = |