Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

A former punter in both the NFL and European football league, today’s starting quarterback on PYP is Nick J. Murphy who has reinvented himself several times since kicking a pigskin to earn a living. Today Nick is a StoryBrand Certified Guide and sought after expert in the world of work. His career highlights include award-winning tenures at CareerBuilder, Monster and Indeed where he worked to optimize the effectiveness of F500 National Accounts across industries. His candid insights have been featured in national media like USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, Fox News, Inc., Reader’s Digest and more. He is the author of the recent book, Unboxed: An Unfiltered Guide to Creating a Career on Your Terms. Nick divides his time between Omaha NE and Scottsdale AZ with his wife and five children.


Nick J. Murphy’s MVP player Stats:


Nick’s position and main focus is all about integration, balance, and showing up for the people in his life that need him. It’s most important for Nick that he is a good father, husband, and entrepreneur to his business ensuring its growth and helping people create careers on their terms.


After getting out of the NFL at 26 and doing pretty well working in a corporate setting, Nick and his buddy decided to start a video resume company to help people with nontraditional backgrounds give them a 62nd elevator pitch to supplement a text resume. It is here where Nick learned a lot about how companies hire people, the corporate world, and later taking that expertise to his career journey at CareerBuilder, Monster, and Indeed. But this wasn’t enough for Nick. He always wanted to be an entrepreneur, and so, that’s what he did! He decided to help people explore the area in between security from within a cubicle and freedom by going completely crazy and going all full entrepreneurship like he did.


In this episode, we talk about Nick’s journey in all the career paths he’s taken and where he’s at today. Nick talks about the importance of taking control of your career and the path and steps you take to get there. He shares key offensive strategies that are straight from his playbook about utilizing leverage to build your business or career and how it can help reduce the number of sacrifices you’ve made trying to build the greatest business or career in a corporate job. Nick also shares times of difficulty, what he did to recover, and how he uses that experience to coach and mentor others.  


Through his book, podcast, and course Nick is leading people on this path of success so they can take control of their entrepreneurial venture or career.


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Thanks so much for listening. 




  • “Unlike maybe a linebacker or wide receiver or positions on the line, there's one punter on a roster, you're the starter or you're unemployed and so there are 32 jobs on the planet and I like to tell people that you have a three times better chance of being a United States senator than an NFL punter or an NFL kicker. There's a hundred of them. There's 32 of us. So I think in terms of like survival or trying to find what it is that, you're cut out to do and having to reinvent yourself and the inevitable ups and downs… I think football, particularly playing that position was a really good foray into, it's going to accelerate that whole thing. You're going to be the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, probably oftentimes within the span of months or weeks. And you better be very, very mentally tough. You better be very focused and disciplined and you better have it damn good idea of what you want to do and how you want to do it.”


  • “…people are operating in this false choice that you have to settle for a corporate job where you sacrifice and you expend a lot of energy and you work really hard and you try to climb the ladder and you do all the right things and maybe you get the recognition, maybe you don't. Yeah. But that job could go away tomorrow.”


  • “The thing that drives me the craziest is people will look at entrepreneurship or a side hustle or doing the work to expand your skillset or, look at other options to diversify your income as 'risky' when the riskiest thing you can do is stay in a job that you have no control over. When you're 100% rely on it”


  • “How are you putting your career to work for you, to protect you from things that are uncertain. Are you paying off your debt? Are you living below your means? Are you saving away for, for kind of rainy days?”


  • “Getting back up and rebuilding is actually probably one of the most fun parts, in hindsight, it doesn't feel comfortable in the moment. But looking back that reset and starting from zero and building what you want, knowing what you know, actually was a really enjoyable piece of my journey.”


  • “If you're not feeling hard, you're not pushing yourself hard enough. If you haven't failed, you're too comfortable and you should become 50% uncomfortable in the next thing that you do... don't go crazy, don't risk everything. But at the same time, if you're just comfortable, then you push it. You're not achieving your full potential if everything's just easy and safe and fun.”


  • “The one I always talk about is challenging your condition beliefs. Each and every one of them. There is no one way, there is no right way. There's no wrong way, and a lot of the things that we take either historically or that we've kind of absorbed through Osmosis in our environment or through conditioning just flat out aren't true. There is a way to have it all. Don't have to sacrifice things you're not willing to sacrifice.”



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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST