Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

In Part 2 of my conversation with MiMi Chau, a Business and Transformation Coach + Reiki Master, MiMi and I dive into some deeper topics about success, embracing change, and love including:

  • The differences between masculine and feminine energy and what we need to know about each kind for generating success in business and life;
  • Why everyone has both kinds of energy present at all times regardless of how you identify; 
  • What each kind of energy means to us as leaders at work and in the home;
  • "Third Love" -- what it is, how to find it, and why it's the most powerful kind of love of all
  • Moving beyond trauma to fully receive our truest calling

Plus, MiMi leads us through a fantastic meditation so if you can, listen to this episode in a place where you can safely close your eyes to get the full experience. Please don't close your eyes if you are driving!

Catch Part 1 of my conversation with MiMi Chau and as always, thanks for being a part of Team PYP!

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My latest book, The Far Unlit Unknown -- is out now! Get it everywhere books are sold including Amazon

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@maryloukayser (Instagram) (LinkedIn)

Here are three more ways I can help you:

Share this episode with one person who could use a boost of inspiration and positivity today.

Bring me in to speak at your next event.

Book a free call with me today to discuss that book you finally want to write in this year.

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For Educational And Informational Purposes Only. The information contained on this Podcast and the resources available for download through The Play Your Position Podcast Website are for educational and informational purposes only. The information contained on The Play Your Position Podcast Website and the resources available for download through this Podcast is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as legal, financial, tax, medical, health, or any other professional advice.


Direct download: MiMiChauMeditation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST