Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

These days, podcasts and books crop up as fast as dandelions in the spring. Sometimes it's hard to differentiate one from another. That's why I always appreciate getting a referral from someone I like and trust about a great source of information, inspiration, or education. Books and podcasts remain some of the best places to get high quality content. I called this week's audible for that very pass along 2 high quality podcasts and 1 excellent book recommendation to you, Team PYP. There's good stuff out there if you know where to find it. Let me know what strikes a cord with you. Tweet your insight using #PYP and tag me @maryloukayser
Game on!

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Direct download: PYP_Audible_2_Podcasts_and_1_Book.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST