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Today’s starting quarterback is Steven Griffith whose mission in life is to teach us how to finally have that mind-blowing relationship with time. Steven is a nationally recognized author, speaker, researcher, and performance expert, former Chicago Golden Glove Boxer Champion in Illinois Heavyweight nicknamed "The Velvet Hammer," and considered one of the leading authorities on the connection between time, productivity, and performance. Steven worked with organizations such as Jimmy Kimmel Live, the U.S. Military, LAPD, NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL!


Steven Griffith’s MVP player Stats:


Steven is always on the field helping us get some of our time back. In his upcoming book with McGraw Hill The Time Cleanse: A Proven System to Eliminate Wasted Time, Realize Your Full Potential, and Reinvest in What Matters Most, Steven provides a strategic and effective approach to changing our relationship to time, allowing you to maximize your Energy, Focus & Performance. His revolutionary 3-step performance process will accelerate your personal productivity and rebalance your work-life relationship while simultaneously improving the quality of both. Based on two decades of experience working with thousands of clients, the Time Cleanse is the world’s first “timefulness” solution that both “adds time to your life, and life to your time” while increasing performance, reducing stress, and improving mindfulness.


Steven crushes the common complaint, “I don’t have enough time,” pointing out that we’ve been conditioned to be overstimulated multitaskers who always feel under “time pressure.” Steven shares strategies to help us break free from this illusion.


Steven traveled to places such as Thailand and Japan, studying mindfulness strategies, neuroscience, and even Einstein’s theory of relativity to come up with a solution of how to change the relationship we have with time and how to perform optimally with it. One of his key messages reminds us that time comes from us, that we need to focus on that and be present for it.


Steven also talks about his experience growing up playing football, thinking that’s what his success was meant to be. After suffering a series of hamstring injuries, he realized he was in a blind spot and needed to change course if he was going to make a difference in the world. This is considered one of his most life-changing moments that directed him to understand and share his knowledge of time management.


Want to hear some of the tips, tricks, and strategies from Steven’s time management playbook? Make sure to play this episode!


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Thanks so much for listening. 




  • “…we’re here to make a difference and how we make a difference is with our time.”
  • “We have been conditioned to use time as an excuse for not doing, having, or being.”
  • “Timefulness doesn’t replace mindfulness, it’s something that’s added to it…it’s about improving the quality experience and performance with time.”
  • [Time Cleanse] “Stopping to evaluate where your time is, shift, get rid of the containments and go for what matters the most.”
  • “Take 100% responsibility of your time and go on a time-excuse “diet.”
  • “Kick what’s most important and commit to it!”






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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST