Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

Tony Castillo is a leader in the wellness industry with a passion for teaching about optimizing our health and fitness. We had a lot of fun discussing the myths and misunderstandings flooding the Internet these days about health and fitness, and ways to tell the truth from the lies. Not only is Tony knowledgable, but he loves to laugh. We also shared personal stories about the pain we each experienced as fat kids in a culture that is not kind to people who carry extra weight. I learned a lot about the critical role of nutrition for optimal performance and you will, too.

About Tony Castillo

Tony’s journey began as an overweight middle schooler and continued throughout high school until he decided to go on a “diet.” Unfortunately, this resulted in unsustainable weight loss. Tony’s weight fluctuated in college due to a lack of nutrition knowledge, following fad diets, supplements that didn’t work, and unsustainable habits. This inspired him to understand how nutrition played a
crucial role in the human body.

Today, Tony’s passion is to teach others how healthy lifestyle modifications optimize performance in all areas of life. He has worked at the University of Florida and with the Toronto Blue Jays, and now focuses on helping individuals become elite performers, whether they are business owners or professional athletes.

Tony graduated from Florida International University in Miami with a B.S. in Biology, B.A. in Chemistry, and an M.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics. As a Registered Dietitian credentialed by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, his unique area of expertise lies in helping individuals optimize their performance through nutrition, with a specific focus on sustainable weight management and lifestyle modifications. Tony’s background in dietetics and specialization in sports nutrition has equipped him with the skills and knowledge needed to help athletes, business leaders, and anyone looking to improve their performance.

Learn more about Tony on his website: 

Connect with Tony on LinkedIn: 

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST