Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

In this week’s Audible, I’m celebrating a big milestone here at PYP. Today’s episode marks a tremendous milestone in my podcasting journey: 150 shows in the vault! I look back over the last 149 episodes and see a lineup of phenomenal guests sprinkled in with some thought-provoking audibles to mix things up and keep it real. I’m excited about what’s coming; I’m excited about the future of PYP.


If you have been with me from the early days, I can’t thank you enough for taking this journey with me.


If you are a new listener to PYP, welcome to the family, welcome to team PYP! It’s so great to have you here.


To celebrate this milestone I decided I would share with you my gravel bar story, a story that harkens back to my days as a white water rafting guide on the Kenai River in Alaska.This is a story that clients and friends know well because I tell it a lot, but I’ve never shared it here on PYP and as I was thinking about what I wanted to do for this 150th episode, I decided the gravel bar story would be the centerpiece because what happened that night 30 years ago marked a milestone in my young life.


So if you’re ready for kick off, here we go!


Connect with me on social media and use the hashtag #pyp !







PYP Leadership Academy

Direct download: PYP_Celebrates_150.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST