Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

Today's episode of the Play Your Position Podcast is the first of a micro-series I am starting with the Founder and CEO of Everything Webinar, Kimberli Allen. Kimberli and I plan to check in over the coming weeks and talk about what it takes to successfully run a business virtually, build powerful virtual teams, create virtual policies, and how to strengthen your virtual leadership brand.


With the COVID19 pandemic shutting down sports, conferences, concerts, and schools around the world -- just to name a few of the organizations being impacted by the global pandemic -- working virtually is fast becoming a necessity to keep business going. In today's conversation, you will get to know more about Kimberli Allen and her company Everything Webinar, as well as what to do to transition your business, team, or organization into working virtually. 


We have a lot of fun talking about this topic and think you will benefit from our conversation as the current COVID19 crisis continues to dominate conversations everywhere.


Useful Links and Resources


Connect with Kimberli at Everything Webinar to learn how to make the virtual transition smooth and effective for your business! Save 10 percent when you use code mlk-1430 at checkout.

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Direct download: KimberliAllen1COVID19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:15pm EST