Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

Since collaborating on a film project for the first time in 2013, Will Cuddy and Zach Feiner have spent countless hours working together on projects that have taken them all over the world. As their artistic and business partnership has grown, they’ve come to a realization - the more hours they spend together, the closer friends they become and the better work they produce.


Zach and Will have co-directed numerous projects developing the technical and creative tools necessary to operate in any scenario. From Peru to Haiti to Cannes and back home again, they’ve always attempted to do one thing - cultivate friendships that allow their new friends to tell stories that they wouldn’t tell to someone that they weren’t friends with. So far, it’s worked pretty well and there's no end in sight.


Based out of Portland, Oregon, Will Cuddy and Zach Feiner are leading players in the local indie film scene, as well as accomplished commercial artists who produce exceptional digital ads for companies of all sizes. With several awards under their belts including an entry in the 2020 Cannes Film Festival for their short film "Waiting Game," these two filmmakers -- who also happen to be great friends -- are ones to watch in the years to come.




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Direct download: Will_and_Zach.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30am EST