Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

When people enter the retirement phase of their lives my guest Tyson Ray describes what's left for them in three parts: the Go-Go Years, the Slow-Go Years, and the No-Go years. His mission is to help people have enough money to fund all three with plenty left over. In today's episode, we have a lively conversation about money, investing, and how to work with a financial advisor so you get the most of what you have to invest. Enjoy!

About Tyson Ray

Senior wealth advisor, philanthropist, and author Tyson Ray, based in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, has over 25 years of experience in his field. As CEO and founding partner of FORM Wealth Advisors, Tyson is dedicated to helping clients live better lives. He seeks to add value by helping clients understand the future consequences of their actions, aiming to provide perspective in an industry often trying to scare clients.

In his book, Tyson introduces the Total Relationship™ framework to help financial advisors fully understand their clients’ needs. While sharing client experiences, Tyson guides readers through the value an advisor can bring when they empower clients to live the best life they can afford.

As a continuous industry learner, Tyson has expanded his knowledge by obtaining his CFP®, CIMA®, and CExP® certifications. However, he believes that some of the most valuable education he has received comes from the advisors and clients he works alongside.

Connect with Tyson Ray on his website: 

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Direct download: Tyson_Ray.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST