Thu, 21 November 2019
Rabbi Yonason Goldson takes full responsibility for his life. He has reinvented himself several times and continues to enjoy experiences that allow him to inspire and motivate audiences around the world. For example, Yonason Goldson has circumnavigated the globe, seen the Taj Mahal, the pyramids of Giza, and the tea plantations of Sri Lanka. He’s hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and to the tops of the Sierra Nevada. He’s jumped out of an airplane and undergone open-heart surgery (but not at the same time). In today's conversation, he shares with us why his sense of urgency has amplified this year, why being accountable is the secret to long-term success, and how circumstances outside our control that feel heavy and bad at the time can sometimes be the best thing that happens to us. Get more out of PYP with these links: We always appreciate your rating and review on iTunes!