Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

Carol Ann Jones has loved music since she was a little girl, but it wasn't until after she'd raised her family and become a dairy farmer that she decided it was time to chronicle her life in music. She wrote all of the songs on her debut album “Out of the Blue,” and has since written and performed many other songs. Carol's music hit the national airwaves in early 2010 when her song "All about the Wheels" was featured on NPR's popular show "Car Talk" with Click & Clack. Listen in to hear her stories about the many ways music changes lives, not only in this one, but as people transition from this world to the next. 

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Tim Sieck has been working in the Organizational Development sector for more than 25 years and has an expert view of what makes people tick in their careers. Whether you work for someone else or you are an entrepreneur with your own business, don't miss today's episode where Tim shares with listeners what it means to find your Individual Genius, what all professionals need to keep track of, and why social media doesn't have to be a challenge.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Chad Brown is the Creative Director of Soul River, a company who's mission includes inspiring the minds of urban youth through outdoor experiences and a lifestyle brand that encompasses Chad's belief in the healing power of fly fishing and running rivers. Living one's passion and making a living at the same time is the Holy Grail for all entrepreneurs, and Chad shows by example how it's possible to do just that, even for creative types. 


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Heather McKeown is the author of the book, Above and Beyond: Inspiring Adventures into the Blue and currently serves passengers at 35,000 feet through her work as a Flight Attendant with JetBlue Airways. She is also the editor of The Optimist Newspaper, a publication dedicated to suicide prevention. From her unique perspective, she shares inspirational stories and insights about the human journey we are all on together.


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Cynthia is a tech industry veteran who has worked in both corporate America for giants such as AT&T, as well as for herself as a multicasting consultant. While it wasn't easy at first, she made the transition to entrepreneur successfully and has never looked back. An early social media adopter, Cynthia knows what it takes for both start-ups and existing companies to leverage the constantly changing digital landscape for growth and profit. 


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