Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

For many businesses, trade shows are an integral piece of the marketing puzzle. By their nature, they can be hit or miss. I’ve experienced both -- and the misses are worse than a bad night's sleep. In today's episode, I dive into 5 unconventional tips for leaders who want to experience success at their next trade show or networking event. Great info for anyone who is interested in getting a higher ROI from attending a trade show or professional event.

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My latest book, The Far Unlit Unknown -- is available everywhere books are sold including Audible! Get your copy and learn more about it here

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@maryloukayser (Instagram) (LinkedIn)

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Today's guest is Mark Brodinsky, a writer, accomplished speaker, Emmy winner and a passionate believer in the power of your story. It is his mission to positively impact the lives of a billion people with his "You Matter" Movement. Mark worked many years in the TV industry as an Emmy-Award winning writer and producer. The creative process of working as a TV news producer helped him to think on his feet and to think about what change he can help to bring about in the world using his gifts and talents. He wants to see others reach for and achieve their dreams by focusing on and cultivating a foundation of good health, gratitude, appreciation and love. 

Connect with Mark on his website: 

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My latest book, The Far Unlit Unknown -- is available everywhere books are sold including Audible! Get your copy and learn more about it here

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@maryloukayser (Instagram) (LinkedIn)


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My latest book, The Far Unlit Unknown -- is available everywhere books are sold including Audible! Get your copy and learn more about it here

Are we connected yet on social? 

@maryloukayser (Instagram) (LinkedIn)

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Bryce Henson is the CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, the world’s fastestgrowing fitness boot camp franchise. Having nearly 20 years of Fitness Business experience and owning his own Fit Body location, his passion is spreading fitness to the world through business coaching. Through Fit Body Boot Camp’s World Wide growth, Bryce has overseen hundreds of gyms successfully launched throughout North America. Most importantly, he helps his Franchise Partners grow their profits while helping to offset the obesity epidemic. In today's conversation, Bryce shares his story of when he answered the call to leadership and how that call continues to shape his passion for fitness and business. Get ready to get enthused about your health and what's possible!

Connect with Bryce on his website: 


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My latest book, The Far Unlit Unknown -- is available everywhere books are sold including Audible! Get your copy and learn more about it here

Are we connected yet on social? 

@maryloukayser (Instagram) (LinkedIn)

Direct download: Bryce_Henson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST