Sun, 28 October 2018
At times in our lives, circumstances will ask us to go beyond what we expected would happen. Game 3 of the 2018 World Series between the Boston Red Sox and the Los Angeles Dodgers demonstrated this phenomenon quite literally, extending 18 innings and lasting close to seven hours. Every player, coach, manager, and fan was exhausted when the game finally ended on a solo home run.
What happens at work when a project takes on a new direction and the deadline is extended (and our workload with it)? How about when a loved one gets sick or when our car doesn't start and we have a very important meeting on the other side of town? What about when we don't hit a goal we set for ourselves?
How are we showing up in times like these?
In this week's bonus audible, I shed some light on what successful people can do in times when we are called to rise above and beyond what's expected of us and we have no choice but to play in extra innings. Links and Resources
The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield Could a fresh perspective help you break through a block keeping a current marketing or communications project from moving forward? Book a quick 15 minute complimentary call with me here.
Sun, 21 October 2018
Whether you’re single, married, happily partnered, or searching for love, you’ll be amazed at the insights shared by today’s guest, Karen Aberle.
Karen is the author of #1 Amazon bestseller Love’s Invisible Dance, inspired by her own juicy 30-year marriage, 3 decades of researching and teaching about relationship and the philosophy of language, and an 18-year apprenticeship with Huichol shamans of central Mexico.
She’s coached individuals and teams in Fortune 100 organizations including Comcast, Spectrum Reach, and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, on the art of building strong professional relationships using the same skills she and her husband have taught around the globe in workshops for individuals and couples seeking more love in their lives. Karen is here to share her insight on the universal dance of relationship we’ve been doing all our lives, and to help us choreograph a more graceful dance with our loved ones and colleagues in order to achieve the life we truly want.
Click here to get Karen's #1 Amazon bestselling book, Love's Invisible Dance! Could you or your organization benefit from a quick executive communications refresher and boost? I'm currently taking new client consultations (free) on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 1 pm Pacific. Click here to learn more! |
Thu, 18 October 2018
We're all carrying around a boulder on our shoulder of one type or another.
In this week's bonus audible, I explore some common boulders dragging people down these days and ask some tough questions about what we can do to roll those boulders off our shoulders, freeing us from their weight and relentless damage.
Could you or your organization benefit from a quick executive communications refresher and boost? I'm currently taking new client consultations (free) on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 1 pm Pacific. Click here to learn more! |
Wed, 10 October 2018
Michael Redbord is the General Manager of the Service Hub at HubSpot. Prior to that, Michael scaled the HubSpot Customer Support team from 20 people in a single office with single-language phone support to more than 200 people powering a global, multi-lingual, multi-channel support experience. In doing so, Michael turned HubSpot’s customer support team from a cost center to a profit center and one of HubSpot’s greatest engines of growth, with an unimaginable revenue retention rate of over 100%. Essentially, the revenue the sales and marketing teams generate is worth more because of the customer success team. Michael is a noted writer, speaker, and former competitive classical pianist -- in case you’re looking for a conversation starter.
If you’re really good at keeping customers, you can spend more to get customers. It’s simple math. If your customer value goes up, everyone in sales and marketing gets a raise and bigger budgets to go after new ones. So if sales and marketing leaders want raises and bigger budgets, they need to be making noise in support of greater investments in customer service.
A noted writer, speaker, and leader, Michael is ready to share his experience at HubSpot with us to help you re-envision what success looks like for your business. Here’s a hint: It’s about the customer.
Could you or your organization benefit from a quick executive communications refresher and boost? I'm currently taking new client consultations (free) on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 1 pm Pacific. Click here to learn more! |
Tue, 9 October 2018
Michael Redbord is the General Manager of the Service Hub at HubSpot. Prior to that, Michael scaled the HubSpot Customer Support team from 20 people in a single office with single-language phone support to more than 200 people powering a global, multi-lingual, multi-channel support experience. In doing so, Michael turned HubSpot’s customer support team from a cost center to a profit center and one of HubSpot’s greatest engines of growth, with an unimaginable revenue retention rate of over 100%. Essentially, the revenue the sales and marketing teams generate is worth more because of the customer success team. Michael is a noted writer, speaker, and former competitive classical pianist -- in case you’re looking for a conversation starter.
If you’re really good at keeping customers, you can spend more to get customers. It’s simple math. If your customer value goes up, everyone in sales and marketing gets a raise and bigger budgets to go after new ones. So if sales and marketing leaders want raises and bigger budgets, they need to be making noise in support of greater investments in customer service.
A noted writer, speaker, and leader, Michael is ready to share his experience at HubSpot with us to help you re-envision what success looks like for your business. Here’s a hint: It’s about the customer.
Could your executive writing skills use a boost? I'm currently offering new client consultations (free) on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 1 pm Pacific. Click here to learn more! |