Tue, 30 June 2020
In today's episode, I share three practical tips for success while working remotely. Enjoy the show!
Got a great "working remotely" story to share with me? Here's how you can do that: Send me an email pyppodcast503 at gmail dot com DM me on Instagram @maryloukayser or @pyp.podcast Send your stories in by Friday, July 3, 2020 so I can share them on air this week. All stories will remain anonymous unless you indicate permission in your message for me to share your name.
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Mon, 29 June 2020
This whole working remotely thing is new to a lot of people and with it comes unexpected joys and mistakes! This week I'm exploring what it means to work from home -- the flubs, the flabs, the fun, the frustrations. I will share with you tips and insights I've picked up from being a #WFH business owner for the last 15 years. Today's episode is about what can go wrong and I share a funny personal story that inspired this week's theme of what it means to work remotely. Enjoy! Send me an email pyppodcast503 at gmail dot com DM me on Instagram @maryloukayser or @pyp.podcast Send your stories in by Friday, July 3, 2020 so I can share them on air this week. All stories will remain anonymous unless you indicate permission in your message for me to share your name.
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The Team here at PYP has put together another uplifting, insightful, and inspiring show for you today. Our goal is to bring you timely, relevant, and useful conversations so that you can experience more success, energy, and LIFE as the leader of your business, career, side hustle, or passion.
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Fri, 26 June 2020
Is success predictable? What are some ways we can reflect on moments when we experienced success? What kinds of moments do we associate with success? Is there a formula for success? These are some of the provocative questions I explore in today's episode of the Play Your Position Podcast. Enjoy!
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Thu, 25 June 2020
At some point we have to come to terms with the truth that we are measuring fiends, obsessed with knowing the numbers, comparing and contrasting ourselves constantly to everyone and everything. Measuring is the full-time job we didn’t even know we had.
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Wed, 24 June 2020
Josh’s approach to business has always been about creating an organization that is strong, secure, and able to avoid distraction. Throughout his career in the coffee industry, he relied on the unusual metaphor of the lobster to unite the team and prepare the organization. Awareness that lobsters never stop growing and of the trauma they experience during molt can remind any business to enjoy the ups while preparing for the downs that always come.
His book Growing Like a Lobster was motivated by Josh’s sincere desire to help others who seek to build extraordinary businesses. Through sharing his personal experiences and insights, Joshua offers a new way to confront challenges and simple approaches to building special and lasting organizations.
Josh has a B.A. in Political Science from Yale College and an M.B.A in Marketing and Finance from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Along the way to building brands within the world of coffee machine cleaning products, Josh worked in investment banking for Salomon Brothers and in marketing for Unilever Home and Personal Care.
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Tue, 23 June 2020
From the outside looking in, success often appears magical. We love magic because of its essence -- who doesn’t want to experience success as if by magic? Wave a magic wand and all your dreams come true, right? In today's episode, I explore magic as it pertains to achievement and success, including how we can all experience more magic on our leadership journey. Enjoy!
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Mon, 22 June 2020
When you look around at people who are achieving great things, do you wonder how they do what they do? In today's episode, I explore success through the lens of mechanics and why all success is ultimately mechanical.
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Fri, 19 June 2020
In what ways is the call to adventure and leadership the same for women and men? How is that call different? These are some of the questions I explore in today's episode. Enjoy!
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Thu, 18 June 2020
What conditions or variables might be present when we get the call to leadership? In today's episode, I share what can be happening in your life when the call shows up.
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Wed, 17 June 2020
Today’s guest is Peter Lazaroff (LAZZ-ar-off), who knew from a young age that he had a future in investing. Today, Peter is the Chief Investment Officer at Plancorp, which manages over $4 billion for its clients. What makes Peter unique is his personable “big brother” perspective and unique ability to simplify complex issues for anyone. He’s here to share insights from his book, Making Money Simple, and help you understand what today’s financial landscape means for your money. Take Peter's Smart Money Quiz here!
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The Team here at PYP has put together another uplifting, insightful, and inspiring show for you today. Our goal is to bring you timely, relevant, and useful conversations so that you can experience more success, energy, and LIFE as the leader of your business, career, side hustle, or passion.
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Tue, 16 June 2020
The call to leadership has come for you, but maybe you're resisting it. Today's episode explores what causes so many people to refuse the call when it comes.
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Mon, 15 June 2020
In the hero’s journey, the hero or protagonist lives in the ordinary world and receives a call to go on an adventure. The hero is reluctant to follow the call but with the help of a guide, coach, or mentor, he or she moves deeper into the adventure. In today’s episode, I focus on the initial call -- the call to adventure.
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Fri, 12 June 2020
Leadership excellence is predicated on getting others to help us do our jobs, achieve our goals, and complete projects. Why, then, do so many of us struggle to ask for help when help is exactly what we need?
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Thu, 11 June 2020
Entrepreneurs with big growth goals realize there’s a substantial gap between where they are now and where they want to be. Sharon Cully, owner and founder of Simply Processes, knows the best way to close that gap is through a clear, robust vision and well-crafted processes all with the right level of focus. Listen to what Sharon has to teach us about putting the right systems in place to make our lives and businesses better.
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Wed, 10 June 2020
Why leaders need to play more often.
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Tue, 9 June 2020
When you're ready to make some serious forward progress in your life, business, or career, here's how you can go about finding the right coach to help you get the results you're looking for.
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Mon, 8 June 2020
To be great at something including leadership, do you really need to work with a coach? And what's the difference between a therapist and a coach? Aren't they pretty much the same thing?
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Fri, 5 June 2020
One of the most iconic scenes in American film is in the original "Raiders of the Lost Ark" where Indiana Jones comes face to face with one of his greatest fears on his quest to find the Ark of the Covenant -- a pit full of snakes. We all have our own version of a pit full of snakes that can stop us if we let it. The question is, will we?
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Thu, 4 June 2020
What do Millennials really want? Answering that question is central to the work today’s guest does. He even wrote a best selling book about what he’s learned. Chris Tuff calls himself the Millennial Whisperer and for good reason: because he listens -- and listens hard -- to Millennials.
For anyone who works with Millennials or has them as part of your family, today's conversation will shed light on that plus so much more.
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Wed, 3 June 2020
We’ve built a world that’s extremely good at generating causes for anger, but extremely bad at giving us anything constructive to do with it.
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Tue, 2 June 2020
Introducing the new and improved 3 Ps of leadership.
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Mon, 1 June 2020
What are the boundaries between freedom and authority?
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The Team here at PYP has put together another uplifting, insightful, and inspiring show for you today. Our goal is to bring you timely, relevant, and useful conversations so that you can experience more success, energy, and LIFE as the leader of your business, career, side hustle, or passion.
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