Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

Pat Rigsby is a dad, husband, business coach, entrepreneur & author. He’s built over 25 different businesses, including 2 Entrepreneur Franchise 500 award-winning franchises. Today he coaches entrepreneurs to create their Ideal Business, one that allows them to earn more, have a greater impact, and enjoy more freedom to live the lives of their dreams. He’s here today to share his insight with you to help you build the business of your dreams.


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Pat Rigsby is a dad, husband, business coach, entrepreneur & author. He’s built over 25 different businesses, including 2 Entrepreneur Franchise 500 award-winning franchises. Today he coaches entrepreneurs to create their Ideal Business, one that allows them to earn more, have a greater impact, and enjoy more freedom to live the lives of their dreams. He’s here today to share his insight with you to help you build the business of your dreams.


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The rules of the Internet are changing every day. Smart business owners enlist the help of attorneys like this week's PYP MVP Scott Reib.

Scott Reib (pronounced “Reeb”) is known as America’s Legal Coach. He’s the official Zig Ziglar Small Business Lawyer, a Ziglar Legacy Certified Trainer, and he has over 20 years of experience as an attorney. For the last two decades, Scott has been helping business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, and service providers to “shatterproof” their businesses and succeed in the professional world. Scott is a firm believer that seeking legal advice doesn’t have to be intimidating or expensive if we treat lawyers like primary care doctors instead of ER doctors. Through his subscription-based Access Plan legal service, Scott is making great strides in shifting that perspective.


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Imagine it’s another normal day. You're driving to work, thinking about what’s on tap for you and your business. You are 27 years old, you have worked hard for the last 14 years to build a multi-million dollar business, taking you out of poverty and into the realms of the world’s elite entrepreneurs.


Suddenly, you accidentally hit a pedestrian. Time stops. This day is forever frozen in your mind. You come to find out the person you hit didn't make it.


How different would your life be?


Today’s returning PYP MVP Aaron Walker, Founder of View from the Top and Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind, knows exactly what his life would be like because this happened to him on August 1, 2001. He says it’s a day he will never forget and all these years later, it still gives him tremendous pain to tell the story.


Aaron recently joined me in the PYP studio for an encore conversation to catch me up on where his life has taken him since we first spoke back in July of 2015. Aaron is one of those incredible humans who exemplifies servant leadership and living his purpose. Since we last spoke, Aaron published the book he was working on when we talked three years ago, as well as grown his mastermind business that, at its core, motivates ordinary men to become extraordinary.


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  • Who do you know who is currently looking for a new job and continues to hit dead ends in their job search?
  • What is the secret to landing your next great job with your dream company -- without going through the hassle and frustration of online job applications?
  • How does anyone -- at any age -- find meaningful work that pays well when the job application process is fundamentally broken?

Maybe you’re like today’s PYP MVP Austin Belcak (“Bell-sack”) who found himself applying for more than 300 jobs online and getting zero responses. Sick and tired of going nowhere fast, Austin did what any awesome PYP MVP would do -- he got creative and began searching for answers from people who were doing the kind of work he dreamed about doing.

Today Austin is not only happily employed, but he’s well-compensated for the contributions he makes. AND -- it gets even better! He loves to share his process and insider tips for landing your great next opportunity no matter your age. This is a conversation you don’t want to miss!

MVP Player Highlights

Austin Belcak is the founder of Cultivated Culture, where he teaches people how to use unconventional strategies to land jobs they love in today’s market -- without connections, without traditional “experience,” and without applying online.

Austin’s strategies have been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Fast Company, Inc, and more. He’s grown his community to over 10,000 job seekers who have leveraged his advice to land job offers at Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Twitter, Goldman Sachs, ESPN, and more. Austin is ready to share his step-by-step breakdown of the process that has helped hundreds of people land amazing jobs at the world’s best companies.


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Category:general -- posted at: 9:47am EST

The rise of people marking themselves safe on social media after yet another tragedy is a growing leadership problem.


My central question on today’s bonus audible of the Play Your Position Podcast is:


What role can each of us play in solving it?



Click here for more information about past guests, your host, and other awesome resources designed to help you run your ball into the end zone. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST

For anyone who works in a diverse culture, today's episode of the Play Your Position Podcast is not to be missed.

I had the chance to talk with the authors of the popular book Breaking Through Bias: Communication Techniques for 
Women to Succeed at Work, married lawyers Andie Kramer and Al Harris who have been speaking and writing about gender communication for more than 30 years.


What they understand about good communication goes beyond gender. That's one of the many takeaways I picked up after our conversation and there are plenty more that we can all apply to what we do every day in and out of the "office."

What I admire about this power couple is they bring a unique viewpoint to both women and men looking to navigate gender bias. They are frequent keynote speakers, and conduct workshops for multinational organizations to better understand the world of gender bias.


Today they’re helping us understand that the glass ceiling still exists and what we can do to keep moving forward while working together. Be sure to tune in and keep the conversation going by sharing this episode on social media!

Thanks so much for listening. :-)



Could you or your organization benefit from a quick executive communications refresher and boost? I'm currently taking new client consultations (free) on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 1 pm Pacific to see if there's a good fit. Click here to learn more!

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

At times in our lives, circumstances will ask us to go beyond what we expected would happen. Game 3 of the 2018 World Series between the Boston Red Sox and the Los Angeles Dodgers demonstrated this phenomenon quite literally, extending 18 innings and lasting close to seven hours. Every player, coach, manager, and fan was exhausted when the game finally ended on a solo home run.

This game got me thinking about the "extra innings" of our lives.




What happens at work when a project takes on a new direction and the deadline is extended (and our workload with it)? How about when a loved one gets sick or when our car doesn't start and we have a very important meeting on the other side of town? What about when we don't hit a goal we set for ourselves?


How are we showing up in times like these? 


In this week's bonus audible, I shed some light on what successful people can do in times when we are called to rise above and beyond what's expected of us and we have no choice but to play in extra innings. 

Links and Resources


The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield

Could a fresh perspective help you break through a block keeping a current marketing or communications project from moving forward? Book a quick 15 minute complimentary call with me here.


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Category:general -- posted at: 4:30pm EST

Whether you’re single, married, happily partnered, or searching for love, you’ll be amazed at the insights shared by today’s guest, Karen Aberle.


Karen is the author of #1 Amazon bestseller Love’s Invisible Dance, inspired by her own juicy 30-year marriage, 3 decades of researching and teaching about relationship and the philosophy of language, and an 18-year apprenticeship with Huichol shamans of central Mexico.


She’s coached individuals and teams in Fortune 100 organizations including Comcast, Spectrum Reach, and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, on the art of building strong professional relationships using the same skills she and her husband have taught around the globe in workshops for individuals and couples seeking more love in their lives. Karen is here to share her insight on the universal dance of relationship we’ve been doing all our lives, and to help us choreograph a more graceful dance with our loved ones and colleagues in order to achieve the life we truly want.


Click here to get Karen's #1 Amazon bestselling book, Love's Invisible Dance!

Could you or your organization benefit from a quick executive communications refresher and boost? I'm currently taking new client consultations (free) on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 1 pm Pacific. Click here to learn more!

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

We're all carrying around a boulder on our shoulder of one type or another.


In this week's bonus audible, I explore some common boulders dragging people down these days and ask some tough questions about what we can do to roll those boulders off our shoulders, freeing us from their weight and relentless damage.




Could you or your organization benefit from a quick executive communications refresher and boost? I'm currently taking new client consultations (free) on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 1 pm Pacific. Click here to learn more!

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Michael Redbord is the General Manager of the Service Hub at HubSpot. Prior to that, Michael scaled the HubSpot Customer Support team from 20 people in a single office with single-language phone support to more than 200 people powering a global, multi-lingual, multi-channel support experience. In doing so, Michael turned HubSpot’s customer support team from a cost center to a profit center and one of HubSpot’s greatest engines of growth, with an unimaginable revenue retention rate of over 100%. Essentially, the revenue the sales and marketing teams generate is worth more because of the customer success team. Michael is a noted writer, speaker, and former competitive classical pianist -- in case you’re looking for a conversation starter.


If you’re really good at keeping customers, you can spend more to get customers. It’s simple math. If your customer value goes up, everyone in sales and marketing gets a raise and bigger budgets to go after new ones. So if sales and marketing leaders want raises and bigger budgets, they need to be making noise in support of greater investments in customer service.


A noted writer, speaker, and leader, Michael is ready to share his experience at HubSpot with us to help you re-envision what success looks like for your business. Here’s a hint: It’s about the customer.




Could you or your organization benefit from a quick executive communications refresher and boost? I'm currently taking new client consultations (free) on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 1 pm Pacific. Click here to learn more!

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Michael Redbord is the General Manager of the Service Hub at HubSpot. Prior to that, Michael scaled the HubSpot Customer Support team from 20 people in a single office with single-language phone support to more than 200 people powering a global, multi-lingual, multi-channel support experience. In doing so, Michael turned HubSpot’s customer support team from a cost center to a profit center and one of HubSpot’s greatest engines of growth, with an unimaginable revenue retention rate of over 100%. Essentially, the revenue the sales and marketing teams generate is worth more because of the customer success team. Michael is a noted writer, speaker, and former competitive classical pianist -- in case you’re looking for a conversation starter.


If you’re really good at keeping customers, you can spend more to get customers. It’s simple math. If your customer value goes up, everyone in sales and marketing gets a raise and bigger budgets to go after new ones. So if sales and marketing leaders want raises and bigger budgets, they need to be making noise in support of greater investments in customer service.


A noted writer, speaker, and leader, Michael is ready to share his experience at HubSpot with us to help you re-envision what success looks like for your business. Here’s a hint: It’s about the customer.




Could your executive writing skills use a boost? I'm currently offering new client consultations (free) on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 1 pm Pacific. Click here to learn more!

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm EST

We hear a lot about grit and determination these days when it comes to getting ahead, but what about other factors that play a role in success?

Today's MVP Jason Treu is full of ideas. His energy is infectious and you will love what he has to say about curiosity as a tool for getting ahead in your business or career. We had a terrific conversation and you won't want to miss the super cool game he gives away for free (details at the end of the show).



Player stats on Jason Treu (in his own words):

The Professional Side

"I was a featured speaker at TEDxWilmington for my talk, How to Get CoWorkers to Like Each Other.

I've been a guest expert on more than 500+ podcasts, radio, and TV shows in the past year

I've studied and learned hands-on from the top experts in the world such as Tony Robbins, Marie Forleo, Mastin Kipp, and Brene Brown, and at leading institutions such as Harvard, University of California Berkeley and Ken Blanchard Companies

I have helped clients generate over a billion dollars in personal wealth over the past five years." (we talk about this in more detail on the show)


The Personal Side

"I live in Dallas, Texas (and have lived in NY, Los Angeles, San Francisco and spent one year in London, NYC, and Boston).

I have a curious and energetic 15-year-old Jack Russell Terrier.

I’m very active with charity events, cultural organizations such as Dallas Museum of Art…huge sports fan — knock the Cowboys or Mavericks and you’ll have me to deal with…and love to meet new people. I’m also running three marathons that are coming up, Chicago, Philadelphia and Phoenix (and the Dallas half-marathon).

And fine, if you’re dying to know: I love champagne and barbecue. Separately."



Could your executive writing skills use a boost? I'm currently offering new client consultations (free) on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 1 pm Pacific. Click here to learn more!

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Are you and/or your company or organization caught up in the current innovation for the sake of innovation trend? 

In today's bonus audible, I share with you some insights I picked up from attending a panel discussion recently in Portland, Oregon at the University of Oregon's Lundquist College of Business where the topic of innovation and its role in business today was front and center. 

Interested in exploring how to shore up your executive writing skills for greater impact, a stronger culture, and more sales? Click here to learn more!

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:41pm EST

Michelle Gomez is the creator of The D.A.R.I.N.G. Process and an accomplished corporate executive with over 18 years in the transportation and logistics industry. The first in her family to graduate from college, she has earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, and a certification in Broadcast Journalism. Throughout her career, Michelle has been an advocate for women in the workforce, leading the charge in speaking forums, business articles, and networking events.

Michelle has personally mentored and coached dozens of men and women toward achieving their academic and career goals. She’s inspired others to reach for their goals with a sense of confidence and trust in their own value. Through resume reviews, mock interviews, and focus on presentation, she has helped dozens of men and women prepare and position themselves as strong candidates for the career or role they desire. Michelle has also advocated for a healthy work/life balance through her blog posts, providing insight into practical methods for creating balance and wellness in daily pursuits.

Michelle’s cultural background is of Ecuadorian and Mexican descent. She was born and raised in Southern California where she still lives with her husband and two daughters.


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Everyone does it in one way or another.


Keeping score, that is.


Think about this:

Facebook likes. New York Time bestseller. Who cooks, who cleans up.

All forms of keeping score.


In today's bonus audible, I explore the concept of keeping score from a few different perspectives. 




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Category:general -- posted at: 1:42pm EST

Jim Jubelirer (JUBE-uh-leer) is a seasoned executive, coach, and public speaker. Jim’s mission is to help leaders improve their business performance and personal satisfaction. Jim speaks to a wide variety of audiences about leadership and business excellence and motivates people to achieve Breakthrough Results.


He has designed and delivered custom training programs and has delivered speeches, conference presentations and/or executive seminars to over 6,000 people from over 40 countries.


Jim’s Massively Transformative Purpose is to create an equitable and sustainable world for everyone. His Moonshot is to see the transformation to 100% renewable energy worldwide in his lifetime.


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Adam Capes is disrupting the fundraising and vacation travel spaces simultaneously. He is the Co-Founder and President of Getaway2Give, a company changing the way non-profits raise money and people think about vacations. Their mission is to be the best in the country at helping charities and schools raise money, and they’ve helped raise over $10M so far.


Adam began his journey to being a Social Entrepreneur as co-founder and president of a luxury residence fund called Equity Estates. This fund was one of many playing in the crowded destination club space and one of the few that survived the economic downturn. Adam helped raise $60M for this unique equity-based fund where members own the homes they vacation in. At one prestigious gala in Aspen, Colorado, Adam had an “Aha” moment and decided to start Getaway2Give to help change the worlds of fundraising and vacations.


Adam says, “At Getaway2Give, we’re incredibly passionate about two things – helping charities raise significant money and the lasting importance and memories made from meaningful vacation experiences.”



Featured in Forbes, LA Times and Travel and Leisure, Adam works closely with NFL players like Larry Fitzgerald as well as regular folks who are looking for a fun and profitable way to raise money for their school or nonprofit organization.


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In the snippet you are about to hear from my one-minute mindset series, I share with you three reasons why you might want to consider working with a coach. As we gear up for the fall run, and 2019 not being very far behind that, what could a coach help you accomplish that you just can’t get done on your own? Do you have a book you’ve been carrying around in your head for a while that you’d like to get into the world? Is your career going the way you’d like it to go? How are your leadership skills stacking up against the demands of your current position in a company or running a company of your own?


Coaching is a viable and acceptable way of moving the needle of your current life, business or project. Ask people in your life who are getting results you’d like to get and find out who they’ve worked with. Obviously, PYP is full of excellent resources for coaches in a variety of flavors from executive coaches to leadership coaches to relationship coaches and everything in between.


As you enjoy these longer and warmer days of summer, reflect on where in your life working with a great coach could benefit you.


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“If one of us is not like the other, then we have to take action.”


If you are at all familiar with Sesame Street, this reference by today’s MVP David Quick to the iconic children’s show will hit home.


David Quick is referring to how leaders can create a magnetic and compelling vision for their company so that more people will be attracted to what they are doing.  


You will learn quickly just like I did that David is no bull.


“I use the analogy all the time, I need to be compelled to go to work everyday and if and when I start to be repelled, it’s telling me something. I need to sort through that. I urge leaders to think about this magnet that compels and repels. How are you building something that compels the right people to come to your organization everyday? Do you have a compelling vision and core values in place?”


Father of four amazing sons, married to an incredible woman, long history of coaching, and all around great guy, Dave Quick loves helping others thrive. He’s getting ready to launch a new business with his wife that will help like minded couples who work together in business do well in both their personal and professional lives.


Dave’s PYP Player Stats:


David Quick is the go-to speaker, executive coach, and Vistage Chair expert helping business owners and CEOs learn how to work fewer hours, be significantly more successful, and build stronger professional relationships. David is a true “recovering Bull,” having worked over 20 years with companies like Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, and Roche Diagnostics. As the owner of Helping Bulls Thrive in China Shops, David has impacted over 300 CEOs nationwide, been featured on TEDx, and is a regular presenter at Vistage meetings.

David Quick is a “recovering bull in the china shop” who now uses his passion to help business leaders and their teams thrive by sharpening their focus on Vision, Values, Expectations, Engagement.

David puts executive coaching, live events, keynote presentations and group sessions all to work to help create powerful herds of high performing bulls. His no-BS communication style speaks to high performing leaders of all levels.

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Notes on the World Cup 2018

Did you watch the World Cup finale yesterday?

I will first begin by saying I am not an active soccer fan per se but if you’ve been listening to the Play Your Position podcast for a while, you know I am a bonafide sports fan. I love a good match. Could be tennis could be soccer could be croquet -- I love to watch people engage in sport because it’s one of the things that makes us fundamentally human. It’s a celebration of life.

Science has shown that animals outside of human beings do engage in play any games. But our human brains have allowed us to create these magnificent games like football like Baseball and basketball and poker and what we Americans call soccer.

I didn’t have a horse in the race for the 2018 world Cup but when I was watching matches leading up to the final I was intrigued by the name MBappe. He is my sons age. 19.

He is the next Pele.


I was also drawn to the rooster icon that the French team has on its uniforms. I can’t help it team I’m a big fan of branding and that rooster is just super cool. Now the checkerboard pattern of the Croatian team is also striking but side-by-side I’m going to pick the dark blue with the rooster and white font uniform over the red and white checkerboard any day of the week and twice on Sunday. It honestly has nothing to do with the country of origin. It simply has to do with the design aesthetics.

Back to MBappe for a minute. We love a superstar, though, don’t we? There’s just something about greatness that we cannot turn away from. To see a new and up-and-coming star in any sport in any field is thrilling.

It was a good match. Back-and-forth good offense good defense. The fans were really into it.

Congratulations to France. The players the staff the fans. Congratulations to Croatia, too. The players the staff the fans. It is no small feat to make it to the pen ultimate game of your chosen sport. Whether it’s the World Cup the World Series the NBA final the Super Bowl what a game.


What an incredible experience to witness.


What an incredible gift to be alive.


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The hardest day of his business was also the best day of his business. Today's PYP Todd Palmer talks openly on today's episode about firing himself, changing his mindset for the better and being willing to reinvent himself and his business when he realized things just weren't going to work out if he kept going the way he'd been going.

PYP MVP Player Stats:

Todd Palmer is a renowned thought leader/CEO, executive coach and author who is committed to Improving Lives. As a successful entrepreneur and business owner, he works with both individuals and companies to support corporate growth, foster business start-ups and guide leaders in the areas of talent management, workforce planning and organizational development.


As the CEO of a 6-time INC 5000 company, Todd knows the struggles that businesses face around the areas of people, cash, strategy & execution. Through his firm Extraordinary Advisors, Todd is able to guide leaders into programs of sustained profitability.


Todd Palmer is the founder and President of Diversified Industrial Staffing. Since 1997, Todd’s companies have helped over 4,300 people secure employment, improving their lives and the lives of their families. In 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, & 2013 Todd’s company, Diversified Industrial Staffing, was named by INC Magazine to the INC 5,000, as one fastest growing companies in America. In 2011 Diversified Industrial Staffing was named a Michigan 50 Company to Watch. In 2008 his company was named by CORP! Magazine as one of Michigan’s Economic Bright Spots. In 2011 CORP! Magazine named Diversified Industrial Staffing as a Best of Michigan Company and named Todd individually as an Entrepreneur of Distinction.


In 2013, Todd was the National Chairman for Industrial Staffing firms, on behalf of the American Staffing Association (ASA). In 2015, he launched Skilled Labor Training Centers to train the next generation of CNC machinists. Todd writes a monthly column on employment issues for Dbusiness Magazine and a bi-monthly column for Production Machining Magazine, on employment issues specifically within manufacturing. His company has been featured in INC Magazine, The Detroit News, CORP! Magazine, Crain’s Detroit & MetroMode. Todd is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University with a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Communication and minor in Marketing.


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Do numbers matter?

When you log on to any of your social media platforms, do you find yourself wondering how certain people have so many fans or followers?

How bothered are you if your numbers aren't as big as other people in your field or industry?

In today's bonus audible, I explore these questions along with the concept of quality vs quantity with respect to the "in your face" social world we find ourselves in. How does knowing numbers of fans, followers and zeroes in bank accounts influence what we do, how we think about ourselves and our work?


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At the end of our conversation, I asked Albert Williams who or what is he watching on Sunday. Who is his favorite team?


“Well, my daughter is a Girl Scout, so this Sunday is all about selling cookies!” he laughed.


I asked him which kind are his favorite.


Without hesitation he said, “Samoas.”


I smiled. “Ya, it’s hard to beat that coconut chocolate caramel goodness. But I have to say -- I’m a Thin Mint girl myself.”


And so it goes with today’s PYP MVP Albert Williams. A million-dollar business owner, podcaster, father and Girl Scout cookie connoisseur. You will quickly discover how warm, genuine and authentic he is and I just know you will love today’s conversation on PYP.


Albert Williams Player Stats:


Born in Kingston, Jamaica to a single mother, Albert Williams grew up in the birthplace of Hip Hop and the home of the NY Yankees - the Bronx. Motivated by the countless hours his mother worked to create a better life for him and his siblings, Albert grew up to hold several jobs in both the public and private sectors while all at the same time owning and operating several of his own businesses. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to explore many avenues including landscaper/snow removal, restaurant menu designer and printer, computer consultant, barbershop owner, part time owner in a laundromat and part time owner in a hair salon.


In June 2012, Albert acquired Best Deal Private Car Service Inc., based in the North East Bronx with 19 owner-operated cars in its fleet. As President and CEO, he went on to certify the business as a Minority Business Enterprise, increased the company’s revenue to top $1.5 million, added hundreds of new drivers and created a new revenue stream by adding non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) to their line of services.


This serial entrepreneur with a proven ability to grow a business now teaches others through his Mastermind coaching. Albert considers it his responsibility to give back, coaching minorities with entrepreneurial aspirations to realize their dreams.


Albert also hosts the Plan Build Become podcast, interviewing inspiring thought leaders to further help his own minority communities.


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They are a fact of life, but are our smart phones, tablets and laptops taking over our lives to the detriment of actually living a life?


In today's bonus PYP audible, I explore this question along with some observations from a mini experiment I ran during a recent shopping experience.


What are your thoughts on the proliferation of digital devices in our culture today? Let me know over at PYP Podcast dot com! Would love to hear from you.

Enjoy today's episode! :-)

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

“There’s a revolution going on in the accounting world right now,” today’s PYP MVP Ron Saharyan says. “We’re all about an algorithm away from being totally outsourced.”


You will discover pretty fast that Ron is not shy about sharing his enthusiasm and passion for embracing change. From his unique vantage point of working with bookkeepers, accountants and business coaches, the writing is on the wall: get with the new program or get left behind.


Ron’s PYP Player Stats:


Ron Saharyan is the Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Profit First Professionals, a family of the most elite accountants, bookkeepers and business coaches who help entrepreneurs make more money in their business, eliminate debt permanently and enjoy the financial freedom that they’ve always wanted.


He has over 15 years experience in managing organizational growth, he is a thought leader in business cash flow management and he’s also a popular speaker on the topic of small business profit. He and his business partner Mike Michalowicz host a podcast called The Profit First Podcast.


Ron lives in a small town called Boontown in New Jersey where he grew up and is now in a historic bank building where the world headquarters of his company operates and gives back to his community.


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

The iconic UCLA men's college basketball coach John Wooden was known for a lot of things, including his philosophy on winning. In today's bonus PYP Audible, I highlight one of his most famous coaching approaches when things weren't going well for his team:

"It's time to go back to basics."


What are the basics you can go back to when things in your business, life or career go off the rails?

Today's episode will inspire you to think about what you can do when things don't go well.



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Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EST

I love when PYP MVPs refer people to be guests on the show.


Today’s guest is one such referral, a terrific woman who comes to us via Jo Miller (PYP Episode #87). Selena Rezvani is strong, and tough, and suited up to face the biggest thrills and challenges life throws her way.


And to be clear: times are challenging. For women. For men. And Selena isn’t afraid to talk about “big ideas” related to these challenges because talking is where change starts.


As a Vice President of Consulting and Research at Be Leaderly, a community of over 270,000 aspiring women leaders and their employers, Selena architects and oversees global consulting projects focused on creating workplace cultures that better attract, retain and develop women employees. She also leads the company’s Philadelphia-based research division, which focuses on uncovering pressing trends facing professional women and creating custom research for clients. Rezvani has led numerous workplace culture research campaigns and studies on women in the C-suite, millennials, managers and negotiating habits, which have been covered by international media.

Known for her award-winning column for The Washington Post on women leaders, Selena has also written two acclaimed books, Pushback: How Smart Women Ask—and Stand Up—for What They Want (Jossey-Bass, 2012) and The Next Generation of Women Leaders (Praeger, 2009).  Previously with Deloitte’s Greenhouse experience team and The Great Place to Work Institute (the company that produces Fortune’s 100 Best Places to Work in America list), Selena Rezvani has assessed dozens of workplace cultures, helping companies pinpoint and address how they can be more inclusive and welcoming to workers.

She has been featured in the LA Times,,, Forbes, and dozens of other outlets. She holds an MBA from Johns Hopkins University and an MSW from NYU. She lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with her husband Geoff and her five year old boy/girl twins.


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Hello Team PYP! In today’s audible, I talk about this mad crazy world we now find ourselves living in, how creating and sharing engaging content with our tribes is top of mind for a lot of us and why the pursuit of excellence never gets old. Because I am super engaged right now in helping some of my clients create their thought leadership content, I can’t make creating new content a top priority for my audible series.


So, what’s an effective entrepreneur to do in this situation?


Mine old files for content, of course!


And I found a gold mine sitting on one of my external hard drives that I am working up into some new content for us here at PYP. When I first created this content four years ago, I intended to launch it under the brand “One Minute Mindset with Mary Lou.” For many different reasons I won’t get into right now, that series never launched. However, creating that content served as  what I now see was a warm up to the audibles I share with you here on PYP in between the awesome conversations I have with guests.


As I listened through these micro audio files, I realized they fit perfectly into PYP -- why not dust them off, edit them into a new file and share them with you?


Over the next several weeks, I’ll be sharing these micro episodes with you -- some are super short, like in the one to two minute range, while others are a bit longer. The average is about six minutes and in them, I tackle universal themes and challenges we all face as we go about doing what we do.


I got a kick out of listening back to these recordings and I think you will find them uplifting and useful!


Thanks for listening, Team and as always, I sure appreciate your reviews on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to PYP!


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Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm EST

Tom Schwab completes the circle of PYP MVPs from a very special tribe known as Interview Valet. Starting with Aaron Walker, who led to Matt Miller, who led to Scott Beebe, who led to Tom Schwab...I feel like the Interview Valet team has been represented very well here at PYP.


That's one of the many reasons I was so excited when Tom agreed to come on the show. Interview Valet has been a strategic partner for us here at PYP -- I am grateful for the many outstanding individuals Tom and his team have put behind the mic to share their wisdom and insights with us on this podcast.


Some things to know about Tom Schwab:


He knows how to build an online business. He’s done it successfully several times, and now helps others find online success with podcast interview marketing. He is a digital marketing engineer who helps solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and small business owners harness the power of the internet with a clear actionable plan so they can quickly grow a profitable business with an automated marketing and sales machine that attracts visitors, engages prospects and delights customers.

He knows this is not just theory because he built his business from a regional player to a national leader in under 3 years with no marketing or sales department. These days, he serves by sharing what he’s learned through writing, speaking, coaching, consulting and leading mastermind groups.


Tom believes that marketing, at its heart, is starting a conversation with someone who could be an ideal customer. Tom helps thought leaders (coaches, authors, speakers, consultants, emerging brands) get featured on leading podcasts their ideal prospects are already listening to.


After having the chance to chat with Tom here on PYP, I have no doubt that what Tom says about marketing is possible!


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Category:general -- posted at: 1:20pm EST

Doug Sandler has over 30 years of business experience as an entrepreneur, business owner, and leader. His book, Nice Guys Finish First, is a #1 ranked Amazon Best Seller. He specializes in making connections, building relationships and strengthening bonds both inside and outside organizations.

His speaking and consulting business is geared towards improving relationships and winning business through his time tested sales, service and relationship building system. Doug is a nationally recognized speaker, trainer and podcaster.

Doug has been titled by a leading social media marketing company in the top “100 of Social Media Thought Influencers to Follow.”

His podcast with Strickland Bonner, The Nice Guys on Business, has over 500 episodes and more than 1 Million downloads. Now Doug is using that experience to help businesses and brands grow their audience with TurnKey Podcasting.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Show me the money!


And in today's audible, it's show me some books about making money, thinking about money, keeping more of our money. To play our positions at peak levels, we have to have money. How much depends on what matters to you -- there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to money.


But there are some universal principles that, when applied, can mean the difference between just scraping by or living a full and abundant life.


I recommend 3 books in today's episode. Enjoy!


1. Profit First by Mike Michalowicz


2. Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins


3. You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

“What changed the game for the chatbot industry is when Facebook opened up its Messenger platform to automated communication for businesses. So just like with building our email lists where we send people automated messages periodically offering more value to them, we can now do the same thing in Messenger.”


Today’s PYP MVP Mary Kathryn Johnson is back for an encore appearance and A LOT has changed since she last came on the show. It’s safe to say that Mary Kathryn is one of the world’s leading experts on how to use chatbot technology for building a business and she has plenty of case studies to prove it.


Mary Kathryn Johnson is the CEO and Founder of Messenger Funnels which helps businesses message their way to sales and ridiculous ROIs. Based out of northern California, Mary Kathryn is leading the way for how we all will be marketing in the not so distant future.


If you are curious about these funny little things we call chatbots, and wonder how they could make a difference to your business or company, you won’t want to miss today’s show!


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

In this week’s Audible, I’m celebrating a big milestone here at PYP. Today’s episode marks a tremendous milestone in my podcasting journey: 150 shows in the vault! I look back over the last 149 episodes and see a lineup of phenomenal guests sprinkled in with some thought-provoking audibles to mix things up and keep it real. I’m excited about what’s coming; I’m excited about the future of PYP.


If you have been with me from the early days, I can’t thank you enough for taking this journey with me.


If you are a new listener to PYP, welcome to the family, welcome to team PYP! It’s so great to have you here.


To celebrate this milestone I decided I would share with you my gravel bar story, a story that harkens back to my days as a white water rafting guide on the Kenai River in Alaska.This is a story that clients and friends know well because I tell it a lot, but I’ve never shared it here on PYP and as I was thinking about what I wanted to do for this 150th episode, I decided the gravel bar story would be the centerpiece because what happened that night 30 years ago marked a milestone in my young life.


So if you’re ready for kick off, here we go!


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

“A lot of people get to a point in their lives when they are so done with the 9-5,” says today’s PYP MVP Sue Monhait. “They may be 60, or 65 and ready for something else. But there’s only so many times they can work out, or play golf or tennis. A lot of people have crafts they enjoy that they can turn into a business.”


Sue loves the wonderful community she serves known as Gifters-Bakers-Crafters-Makers. She is known as the Gift Biz Gal and has worked in the retail and online spaces for over 25 years. After 15 years in corporate sales/marketing to both boutique shops and larger brands, she went on to open two profitable businesses of her own.


I mentioned how much I love Marcus Lemonis and his popular show on CNBC called “The Profit.” Sue told me he often comes to the coffee shop right below where she works. “If you’re listening to this show, Marcus, you need to stop by and say hello!” Sue laughed.

“And I’d love to have you on my show!” I added. So Marcus, if you’re listening, consider this an invitation to share your story here on PYP. :-)

Today Sue Monhait owns The Ribbon Print Company, a gold-standard business offering custom ribbon printing systems so businesses can provide product personalization right in their store or craft studio, Sue-Circle-Blue.

She has been identified as an industry leader and trendsetter. She has created her own proprietary software program, Design and Print™, and a specialty brand of ribbon, Pretty Print™ Ribbon, that is sold exclusively through The Ribbon Print Company. Other industry firsts are an online training program supporting customers worldwide as well as a membership Design Vault – again focused on the needs of their customer base.

Recently, Sue identified the need within the gifting, baking, crafting, and designing spaces, for a leader to help entrepreneurs set up their businesses to become profitable and sustainable entities. Pulling from her vast experience, she has started coaching and speaking to guide entrepreneurs who have a hobby or creative passion that they want to turn into a business. She also works with existing business owners who have gotten stuck or are looking for that one thing that’s needed for them to gain traction and move ahead.

As host of the Gift Biz Unwrapped Podcast, she provides free content weekly to assist those searching for answers on how to start and grow their business.


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Category:general -- posted at: 2:12pm EST

The startup scene in San Francisco is very much alive and brimming with ideas

I recently had the opportunity to attend a pitch night in downtown SF. Think of it like a mini shark tank, minus Mr. Wonderful. :-)

The place was packed. Adult beverages and pizza were served. I arrived early to check out the scene and network and in doing so, I met some fascinating people including:

  • a woman who worked at LinkedIn for six and a half years before it was bought by Microsoft and became the BIG COMPANY it is today
  • a man who puts on events for startups and was very excited to have his first one scheduled for London this summer
  • a woman who came all the way from Ireland to pitch her idea
  • a man who has created a sensing device that will track packages from start to finish and indicate exactly where damage occurs along the journey (if any)


The majority of attendees were originally from other countries including India, Pakistan, Italy and Russia.

The predominant smell in the air besides pizza and beer was hunger -- hunger for closing a deal -- hunger to make it big -- with a hefty side of money.

The entire evening was fascinating to experience. If you're at all curious about what goes on at these pitch nights, today's audible will take you on the inside of one.


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

“The things that I’ve accomplished have been amazing,” says today’s PYP MVP Vince Kramer. “I’ve held director jobs at the corporate level, my military career was way beyond what I expected, and I’ve been an entrepreneur with several different businesses. I had the big house, the beautiful wife, the big bank account and through all of that, there was still something missing in my life and I didn’t know what it was. It wasn’t until I experienced a crisis awakening that what I was missing became clear.”


Like so many people who reach the level of being a successful discontent, Vince asked himself some tough questions about the meaning of life. These questions led him to start a new chapter that includes writing a best selling book with Jack Canfield called “Mastering the Art of Success,” founding Imagine Miracles to
educate and train people of all walks of life on how to discover, design and create their Miracle Life, and write and produce the Your Miracle Life series of online training programs and associated workshops based on the C.R.E.AT.E.model and Your Unique Purpose Formula.


In a nutshell, Vince Kramer is creating miracles.


Yes, he comes from a stereotypical “macho” field serving in the military, and he also works as a pilot for United Airlines, but like all PYP MVPs, Vince Kramer has a huge heart and is dedicated to serving the world at a higher level so we can all have a chance of showing up as our best selves to play our positions with humility and grace.




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Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am EST

The future is here and it's called AWS.


I decided to attend the AWS Summit in San Francisco this week on a whim -- I am not a developer and have no intention of becoming one but as a small biz owner and leadership specialist, I believe it's important that everyone has a basic level of understanding around what this mega company known as Amazon is up to.


Long story short: 


Mind. Blown.

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services and it is true to its namesake. I had the chance to listen to Werner Vogels, Amazon dot com's CTO and Vice president speak about big things happening with AWS and my mind is still reeling from what I learned.

In today's audible, you will hear me share 10 leadership lessons I learned from going to this summit. I recorded those lessons on my iPhone in my hotel room right after getting back from the event. You will hear that I sound a bit fatigued after a full day at the Summit, but also A LOT of excitement about what's happening with this company.

If there's one thing I can stress here it's that AWS is laying the groundwork to change the way companies function. Cloud computing is here and we are just at the early stages of what's possible. As a futurist, as a business woman, as a podcaster, as a writer... what AWS is doing thrills me even if I don't understand most of the technical jargon! I hope my takeaways give you something to think about and use as you continue your journey.

Enjoy today's Audible, Team PYP! Let me know what you liked. Connect with me on social media and use the hashtag #pyp !







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Direct download: AWS_Summit_Leadership_Takeaways_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:24pm EST

“We only get one shot at this crazy thing called life,” today’s PYP MVP Christie Garcia says. “My personal goal is to make sure you leave your legacy and maximize your impact while you are here.”


When she was 29, Christie was the epitome of success. She had a great apartment in San Francisco, a nice car, friends, travel opportunities, an interesting career and all the other external symbols of making it in America. But a freak accident close to Christmas one year caused Christie to reevaluate her life and ultimately make some decisions that changed the course of her life forever.

These days, Christie still has a great life; it just looks different than the one she used to have. These days, instead of selling medical devices, Christie is a Leadership Coach and founder of Mindful Choice. She works with groups and individuals to help them maximize their impact, improve their relationships and be more successful at both work and home. She believes good men can become great by making a 1% personal improvement each day.

Christie is also the organizer of The Manifesto Adventure Retreat, a life-changing adventure experience for men. These retreats challenge men mentally, physically and emotionally to make the good man great.

In today's episode, Christie tells the story of her life-changing accident along with stories of how she helps good men become great. If you've ever wondered why your relationships at work or home aren't as fantastic as you'd like them to be, Christie has some pretty awesome insights.


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Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am EST

History has its eyes on you, Team! What are you doing to make it proud?


For those of you who are Hamilton fans, the title of this week’s audible will be familiar. For those of you who don’t know about Hamilton, who lives who dies who tells your story are lyrics to one of the songs from the musical. This past Sunday, I sat in the audience next to my daughter and experienced all that is Hamilton for more than three glorious hours.


In today's audible, I unpack the story of Hamilton, drawing direct parallels between it and how it reinforces the many themes of PYP including how we seek continuous improvement in our work and private lives, pursuing the glorious, imperfect and courageous End Zone of leadership excellence.

I even go WAY outside my comfort zone and sing a line from the show! :-)





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Category:general -- posted at: 1:48pm EST

I’m not going to lie.


I was really excited when Andrea Owen accepted my invitation to come on PYP and share her stories about being more vulnerable, getting sober and building a life on your own terms. I learned about her through a podcast I listen to, which led me to her podcast Your Kick A$$ Life which led me to her book (which I highly recommend.)


Honest, energetic and inspirational, Andrea Owen isn’t afraid to play her position full out and is winning big time because she does. On today’s show, she opens her heart and gets super real about tough topics like making amends, letting go of what we thought would happen and accepting that when life doesn’t work out the way we imagined, there may actually be something better behind our disappointment.


Some details about Andrea:


She is an author, mentor, and certified life coach who helps high-achieving women let go of perfectionism, control, and isolation and choose courage and confidence instead. She has helped thousands of women manage their inner-critic to create loving connections and live their most kick-ass life.

She is the proud author of 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life: BS Free Wisdom to Ignite Your Inner Badass and Live the Life You Deserve, (Adams Media/Simon & Schuster) and How To Stop Feeling Like Shit: 14 Habits That Are Holding You Back From Happiness (Seal Press/Hachette Books).

When she’s not juggling her full coaching practice or hosting retreats, Andrea is busy competing in triathlons, chasing her 10-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter or making out with her husband, Jason. She is also a retired roller derby player having skated under the name “Veronica Vain.”






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Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am EST

In this week's audible, I cut right to the chase and recommend three amazing podcasts for you to consider adding to your weekly playlist!


Don't miss any upcoming announcements about the PYP Leadership Academy Pilot Program coming later this spring! Get your name on the insider's list here today!




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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

The Aggarwal brothers like to laugh. And they are passionate about great design. We talked over Skype -- I was in Portland, Oregon and they were in India. It was morning for me and night for them. We had a great conversation about launching a business, moving through self-doubt to keep a vision alive and why customer service can be a company’s greatest competitive advantage.


In October 2014, brothers Rahul and Varun Aggarwal launched Designhill in an office in New Delhi, India. In the beginning, the co-founders had a small team of 4 developers and 2 designers to pioneer a new kind of marketplace for the design industry. Upon launch, Designhill quickly caught the attention of business owners around the world looking for a fast, reliable and quality alternative to the traditional design companies.

The service received an overwhelming response from around the world, allowing the company to grow rapidly to a team of more than 45 with over 48,000 registered graphic designers from around the world. Designhill now has offices in New Delhi & Gurgaon, India and a subsidiary company and office in Delaware, United States. The company also plans to set up operations in Germany and UK this year.

The Aggarwal brothers built Designhill to provide a reliable marketplace for sourcing high quality graphic designs including logo design, banner design, packaging  design,merchandise design, web design and many other designing works at extremely affordable prices. Designhill provides an interactive interface that allows the customers to give real time feedback and ratings to design works, to help the designers better understand the customer’s expectations. Rahul and Varun are entrepreneurs who scaled and grew a bootstrapped business to among the top 3 graphic design platforms in the world while helping thousands of businesses source quality designs.






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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

In this week’s audible, I share the story about my sixth grade bully and the impact getting bullied has had on how I’ve played my position over the years. I also have an exciting announcement to share with you so stay tuned for that!


As far as the big picture of bullying goes… We tend to think of bullying as a kid problem but it’s actually a human problem. Bullying in the workplace is on the rise and it’s impacting the bottom line of a lot of companies because people who don’t feel safe at work aren’t producing the work the companies expect them to. Every target of a bully may lose up to 200 hours of productivity annually. If that targeted employee takes sick or vacation time, it may be a total of 400 hours of lost production to the employer.


Here are a few 2017 stats about workplace bullying sponsored by the Workplace Bullying Institute:


  • 60.3 Million American workers are affected by workplace bullying
  • 70% of workplace bullies are male, 30% are female
  • Rank -- 61% comes from the boss; 33% is coworker driven and 6% from the bottom up


Some other things about bullying I found about come from Brandon Gaille, who is one of PYP MVP’s Epsiode #77:


  • 62% saw sabotaging of others’ work or reputations as the primary form of bullying in the workplace.
  • 80%. That’s the percentage of bullies who are able to have a negative effect on 5 or more co-workers.
  • 37% of the people who are targeted by bullies are considered to be “compassionate and kind” co-workers. Only 6% of the targets of workplace bullying are aggressive.

I can relate to that last set of stats -- as a compassionate and kind person, I was an easy target. There’s a growing body of work in the scientific community about the effects of trauma on our lives, the way trauma manifests in our minds and our bodies. Bullying is no small matter. Having been a victim of bullying, I understand this. If you or someone you know are experiencing workplace bullying or online bullying or any kind of bullying, check out  and Both provide relevant information and resources for people experiencing bullying.



Here is my exciting announcement!


I am gearing up to launch the PYP Leadership Academy! The PYP Leadership Academy is something I’ve been thinking about for at least two years and I will tell you that making this announcement public is terrifying me, but also exciting me because it’s time. I’m being called to expand the PYP brand and message in a greater capacity. Those if you who have listened for awhile know my background is in formal education. I have a masters degree in teaching. I’ve won numerous awards for my instructional abilities and I consistently earn the highest reviews whenever I lead workshops. As I was telling somebody the other day, for whatever reason one of my superpowers is people just feel safe when they work with me. I have a quiet, calm and powerful energy that attracts people to me and you get a lot when you work with me.


I’ve set up a special page for people to express your interest without committing to anything. Go over to where you can put your name and email address indicating your interest.


You’re not signing up for the program. This is for me to get a sense of the interest level out there.


The PYP Leadership Academy Beta Program will focus on what I call fundamentals of success in life, business and career. I’m going to strip things down to the bare essentials and I’m doing this because I have discovered that basic fundamentals, basic principles of success are missing in society today. People want more and gaining a deep understanding of these fundamentals is a fantastic way to help you get to the point where you can honestly say, “This is the life I have always wanted.”


This program will be 7 weeks. It will follow the format you hear on my show, Kick off Move the Chains and Touchdown. We will dive deep into a handful of success categories including technology, mindset, time, money and culture. I will have a curriculum that will include short reading assignments and podcast listening outside PYP -- some carefully selected episodes of shows that bring value to our coursework together.  You will have access to a playbook that you’ll get to download and use throughout the program. and probably the best thing about it will be the baked in accountability and community. This for those of you who are hungry to take your life, business and/or career to that next level. I’m limiting enrollment to 20 people so I can provide personal attention to everyone. It’s going to be awesome!


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Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

On the surface, today’s PYP MVP Yigal Adato had what our culture tells men they’ve made it. The big business, the house, the car, the vacations, the beautiful wife, the family.




Below the surface, Yigal was living a lie. He was overweight, he was addicted to porn and he was on the fast track to getting a divorce from the love of his life.


“I had to start telling the truth to myself,” Yigal said fairly early on in our conversation. “Doing that allowed me to become courageous and move forward with my life. It also saved my health, my primary relationships and my marriage.”


This kind of vulnerability took Yigal years to develop. It’s still a lot of work today for him to tell the truth. “If you want it, you have to work for it. If you want to have an epic life, you have to work for it.”


That’s one of the big themes from today’s conversation, which is a tough one, Team. Just preparing you for that. Yigal and I get into some pretty deep and raw territory. But like usual, the journey we go on is full of insight and wisdom.


Some details about Yigal: He is a leadership expert, speaker, and an executive coach to business owners and is on a mission to unlock their leadership potential. He now dedicates himself to helping business owners master self-leadership skills, make more money, stress less, and have more freedom to do what they love. Along with being the Founder of Unlock the Leader, a mastermind for businessmen, he is also the host of the new show Small Business Big Leaders.


Since the age of 15, Yigal has been studying and practicing leadership. He is well aware of what it takes to run a business handling the speed bumps, excuses, stresses, and how to run teams. At the age of 22 he ran a Retail/Service business with his brother that earned 50 million in 15 years.


His varied businesses have provided real life experiences in the trenches, achieving success in going from broke musician to selling over $50 million dollars in his business endeavors, managing hundreds of employees, raising a family, and having fun in the process. After his personal and professional successes, he courageously followed the source of his happiness to become a
mentor to business owners.


Yigal offers a practical approach to helping people find the truth of what makes them tick and live accordingly to their discovery. Most importantly, he is a father to his daughter Taly and husband to his wife Sharon.






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Hello Team PYP, welcome to this week’s Audible, Episode #138. I’m calling this audible “We’re not really sharing what’s real” because in my next show, you will hear my guest Yigal Adato go into more detail about why this is happening and what it means for us as men, women and citizens of a global community. You are not going to want to miss that episode because it is one of the most raw and emotional conversations I’ve ever had with a guest here on PYP. That episode is scheduled to drop in the next few days, so be sure to keep an eye out for it. 


A quick preview: Yigal talks about how he personally transformed his life from being 40 pounds overweight and addicted to porn -- to being able to speak his truth so he can work with people to help them speak theirs. He openly admits it has taken him years of doing hard work to get to where he is today, and he has to work on telling the truth every single day… but he wouldn’t trade it for the world. Doing that work saved his health, his marriage and probably his life because like a lot of people, Yigal was on the fast track to total self destruction.


Again, you can catch the full episode with Yigal Adato later this week, but let’s get on with today’s audible.


In today’s audible, I want to dive deep into something Yigal shares with us on that episode, he said:


“We’re not really sharing what’s real.”


What he’s referring to here is the proliferation of social media and how it’s directly impacting our lives. How it can really play with our heads and our emotions. Boy, did that ever hit me right between the eyes. Team, I feel like a broken record when I talk about the paradox of social media.


On the one hand, I love social media and use it to build my brand and my business. I also use it to maintain a professional network and to stay connected with people I love.


On the other hand, I suffer at times from the Highlight Reel overload, which plays with my head and can leave me feeling depressed and less-than because I haven’t yet made a million dollars or achieved the level of financial success I thought I’d have by this point in my life.


But I will tell you something.


Because of this next little hack I’m about to share with you from Yigal, I’m able to shake off those useless feelings pretty quickly, realign and refocus my time and energy on doing the things I love -- things like have amazing conversations with incredible individuals for this podcast, write books, build leadership coaching programs and deliver them to awesome professionals who are trying to figure out their path, too.


I can focus on what’s real and then share that with the people I serve and work with. 




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Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

We are facing an unprecedented addiction epidemic in America. Deaths by overdose are growing every year; addiction is a problem millions face every single day. Today’s PYP MVP believes there’s a better way for addicts to get the help they need when they are ready for recovery. A few years ago, Megan Peterson saw how technology could bridge the gap between addicts seeking help and the therapists who want to serve this demographic.


With over 15 years experience in the addiction field as both a counselor and pharmaceutical representative, Megan Peterson knew there could be a better way for patients to get the help they needed. As a result, she started 2nd Chance Counseling Service, providing a cost effective and discreet solution for patients seeking drug and alcohol addiction therapy.

Megan believes that as long as patients are willing to put in the time and do the work, they deserve that 2nd, 3rd, even 10th chance at getting clean and living a full life. The creative solution at 2nd Chance Counseling provides flexibility and better options for patients wanting to change. Access to licensed counselors via video sessions and email support in all 50 states opens up opportunity to seek help without the limitations of work and family schedules for time sensitive counseling. Megan truly believes the “telemedicine” platform fits with the future of treatment and is here to stay.






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Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

Welcome to this week’s audible. Last week I dropped the first part of this 2 part series exploring the question, Is self help selfish? And in that episode, I shared my initial thoughts about that question.

If you haven’t listened to that episode, if you are just tuning into PYP for the first time, welcome -- be sure to go back and listen to episode #134 but for the sake of time here’s a spoiler alert -- I concluded that self help is not selfish.


What happens when we become too obsessed with knowing ourselves? What happens then?

Is all this obsession with self help making us a culture of raging narcissists who can’t get out of the weeds of our own lives and our own problems because self help can perpetuate our feelings of unease and confusion?

Do we believe we have more problems than we actually do as a consequence of immersing ourselves in personal development activities?

And, where do we draw the line between doing the self help work like journaling or talk therapy or reading books or listening to podcasts like PYP...and when do those activities become a problem in their own right and get us stuck in the self help blender?

In today’s audible I’ll explore the question:

Are we too focused on self help at the expense of things that might be better for us in the long run?

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Scott Beebe admits he’s not a good marketer.


He might even admit he’s a little jealous of people who are good marketers.


But what Scott Beebe does do well is what plenty of people wish they could do.


Scott Beebe is the Founder and Head Coach of


He also hosts the Business On Purpose podcast. Small business owners pay him well to help them articulate and implement intentional Vision/Mission/Values, Systems, and Processes which can liberate them from the chaos of working IN their business. Once they’ve shed the shackles, they find the freedom to work ON their business (shout out to Michael Gerber of the E-Myth!)   


So ya. Scott Beebe is a pretty terrific guy.

When he played football, he played a little known position called the deep snapper. The deep snapper may not get all the glory that a quarterback or star wide receiver gets, but no team can succeed without a great deep snapper. The deep snapper is a special teams specialist whose duty is to snap the football over a longer distance, typically around 15 yards during punts, and 7–8 yards during field goals and extra point attempts.

Why is this position so important?

Ask anyone who played for the New York Giants on January 5, 2003 when the deep snapper botched a snap on a field goal attempt that could have won the game for the Giants, who had led 38–14 at one point in the game. But they lost. And they were taken out of contention for the Super Bowl that year.

Scott understands that small businesses can't afford to botch any snaps if they hope to succeed long term and qualify for their own super bowls.


During our pre-chat, we discovered that Scott attended the high school I once taught at in Lake Oswego, Oregon (Go Lakers!) before he and his family moved to South Carolina where he lives today with his own family.

It really can be a small world.


Life is good like that!



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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Want to improve your relationships?

Having trouble sleeping?

Feeling stuck in your career?

Coping with grief?

Looking to hone your leadership skills?


If you’re like many people, you’ll try to find the answers to these questions and other problems in your life by browsing Google or heading over to the self-help aisles of your favorite bookstore or let’s be honest -- cruising on Amazon. Self-improvement books now account for billions of dollars a year in the U.S. alone. Approximately one-third to one-half of adults in the U.S. have purchased a self-improvement book at least once in their lifetime. That includes yours truly! :-)


Most of us wish we could improve certain things about ourselves. But change that sticks around is difficult. Many of our habits are deeply ingrained, and certain core personality traits may be fixed for good. Don't let that discourage you from making changes, though -- Honestly, it's never too late to change if change is what you truly want! With effort and determination, it is possible to be the person you want to be.


As the great Englishwoman of letters George Eliot once said,  “It is never too late to be who you might have been.”


Here at PYP, we say right on to that!


So, is self help selfish? I don’t think so, but… tune in to hear why I reach that conclusion!


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

“Do you guys remember Periscope or Meerkat?” today’s PYP MVP Lauren Fritsch asked during our conversation. “That was the hottest thing at SXSW a couple of years ago...and where are they now?”


We both chuckled about this.


“The world is changing at an incredible pace,” she continued. “And it’s great to be curious and it’s great to be an early adopter...but always remember it’s far more important to be super clear on why you do what you do so that when that next round of bright shiny objects comes around, you don’t get stung.”


Just because everyone else is doing something doesn’t mean you have to do it, too.


Lauren and I spoke near the end of last year just as the holidays were upon us. In fact, she was one of the last people I talked to for the show in 2017 and I've been super excited about her episode airing in this newest season of PYP since we talked.


Lauren Fritsch is a speaker, entrepreneur, artist and mom. Her mental model, the Joy|Money Matrix, is a simple tool that empowers creative entrepreneurs to make strategic decisions that prioritize joy and improve revenue simultaneously. She calls the movement the Joy Imperative and it's really cool!

Lauren has been an entrepreneur since the age of 23. For most of her career, she ran TCC Consulting Group, a boutique firm that focused on the specific sales and leadership needs of mid-market businesses in the United States. Now she teaches other coaches and consultants how to sell to those mid-market firms in addition to sharing the Joy Imperative.

Her life includes more time painting, wife-ing, parenting her magical 3 year old, and supporting the licensees who use her systems. She splits her time between Manhattan and the Hudson Valley but will always be a southerner.



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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Participating in our own rescue may be a new concept to some of you. I had never heard the concept described until Tommy Breedlove mentioned it in episode #131. Have you ever noticed that you pick up on a phrase from a conversation or from something you read and it stays with you for awhile? I’ve learned over the years that’s usually a clue I need to be paying attention to the message it’s sending. And this time is no different. What message do you need to be hearing right now? Today's show may reveal it to you!

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

At one point during our conversation, today’s PYP MVP Tommy Breedlove paused and said: "I am a Picasso of screwing up. The journey never ends. When the train is running on all cylinders, the demons and the noise show up even stronger."

He then goes on to tell a story he's never told anyone, one that involves flashing blue lights and having a gun held to his head.

He also shares a story about a time when a trusted adviser asked him the following question:

“Do you want to live your life? Or do you want to live your story?”

This question stopped Tommy in his tracks and caused him to make some big changes, including doubling down on serving others. What happened next was nothing short of magical.

In fact, Tommy Breedlove proves that when you start living your life from a position of serving others -- everything changes.



Tommy Breedlove is the founder of Choose Goodness, a company dedicated to helping executives and entrepreneurs focus beyond the financial bottom line. By empowering leaders, Tommy bridges the gap between humanity and profitably. He transforms organizations to attract and re-tain the best and brightest people, create a loyal customer base and promote goodwill within their communities. Choose Goodness provides both the rational and emotional perspectives to the strategic and financial decision making process.

Since beginning his career at Deloitte, Tommy has spent 20 years serving companies as a CPA and financial consultant. He still serves as Board Advisor, Chair and/or Director for multiple for-profit and civic entities.

But what he loves most these days is serving the Choose Goodness community and demonstrating that it's possible -- and never too late -- to live an authentic, satisfying life.


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Leadership Lift: “Our level of success rarely exceeds our level of personal development.” Jim Rohn


January is traditionally the month where millions set goals for how the next 12 months will be different than the previous 12. I bet you set at least one goal for the year -- how are you doing with it?


Don’t worry if it’s not going like you thought. Huddle up with it again for ten minutes to explore what’s working and why you could be off your game. Be sure to be crystal clear about why this one goal is important to you. Clarity often solves pesky problems.


In today's show, I share with you 5 ways to show up differently this year. Self leadership is grounded in several tenants including conscious decision making about all aspects of our life. Sometimes making changes we know we need to make can be overwhelming.

That's why I subscribe to the notion of making small shifts -- little things that over time add up to big things.


Don't be shy about sharing on social media the insights you pick up from today;s episode! Use #pyp when posting. Step into your next level of leadership and share ideas today!


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Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

“No matter how skillful we are, we are always going to have blind spots. We just can’t know what we don’t know,” says today’s PYP MVP Pamela Gold. “And don’t even get me started on what phones are doing to us!” she laughs. “Our phones are messing with our minds!”


You will love today’s conversation with Pamela Gold. Some history: Pamela grew up on her family’s apple farm in upstate New York, graduated from Yale University, and then entered the business world in NYC where she was the point person on an IPO at the age of 24. Leaving the workforce to start a family, she co-founded West Village Parents and went on to pursue her passion for fitness and wellness. It was through this pursuit that she discovered yoga, which connected her love of philosophy, science, psychology, and wellness and eventually led her to discover her life’s work: teaching inner peace as the key to our greatest evolution and ultimately, world peace.


About a year and a half ago, she had a really big shift and wrote a book as a result of that shift -- it took her two weeks to write and the rest is history. It’s called Find More Strength: 5 Pillars to Unlock Unlimited Power and Happiness and it is full of tragedy to triumph personal stories, along with actionable tools to help increase power and happiness in life.


She jokes that all her friends read it and liked it and gave her those warm and fuzzy feelings we all love to feel from time to time. But the real mark of success for her is the outpouring of positive responses she continues to receive from strangers who tell her how much this book is changing their lives.


Leadership skills and insights Pam shares on today’s show include:


  • How do we use our phones to make life better, while minimizing the noise and clutter that threaten to take us out if we don’t develop the right skills to tackle them
  • How to use our brains to stay centered
  • What to do when we lose an important relationship
  • Why we give away our power too easily sometimes
  • When putting some of our happiness on how another person is treating us and caring about us becomes a problem
  • How to practice self compassion
  • Why it’s so hard not to take things personally


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Kicking off the new year with our annual highlight reel show featuring the voices of every PYP MVP from 2017. You will love their wisdom and insights as you continue planning your goals for the next 12 months and step up into new leadership roles at work, in your business and life. This episode is jam-packed with timeless reminders of how we can all show up and be our best at everything we do.

As always, check out the shownotes page for more info on individual guests and then let our guests know how much you appreciate them with a quick 5-star rating and review on iTunes!

Happy New Year!

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:31pm EST