Tue, 29 November 2016
It's almost 2017 and the publishing industry has been turned upside down in the last few years by tech giants like Amazon who allow anyone to publish anything, anywhere, anytime. Given our highly digital world, a big question on book lovers' minds everywhere is -- do books still matter in a Snapchat world? Today's PYP MVP Ally Machate has a unique perspective on the state of books today. She is the founder of The Writer’s Ally, an award-winning business that offers expert writing and editorial services to business professionals, publishers, agents, and authors. Ally is a bestselling book collaborator, award-winning editor, and expert publishing consultant who loves using her insider knowledge of the publishing industry and wealth of experience to lead serious authors toward publishing success. Since 1999, she has supported authors on their publishing journey and takes pride in serving as their books’ best ally. We had a great time geeking out about books on today's show, and you will too! Help us spread the word about PYP -- review the show for us here in iTunes! |
Tue, 15 November 2016
Kids today are experiencing greater health challenges than any generation in our history. From too much time sitting in front of screens to highly processed diets, our children need alternatives to developing healthy habits for life. Today's PYP MVP, Jeremy Barnhart, is a co-owner and VP of Franchise Development at Apex Fun Run and is providing a terrific solution to this problem. Apex Fun Run helps schools raise funds for equipment and other campus needs through a two week character building and leadership development program that culminates with a student “run” to raise donations for schools. Jeremy has a background in accounting and other business ventures, and he currently lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with his wife and three sons, who keep him very active with their various involvement in sports. People like Jeremy exemplify the power of doing good while making a great living serving people who are looking for solutions.
Sun, 6 November 2016
The Chicago Cubs just won the World Series after 108 years of dashed hopes, high expectations, faith, belief, doubt, and generations of fans wondering if it would ever happen. One week later, on November 8, 2016, America will elect a new president, and we will witness a new round of dashed hopes, high expectations, faith, belief, doubt and generations of citizens wondering what just happened. Regardless of who wins on Tuesday, it's Election Season 2016 and the stakes are high...or are they? In today's bonus PYP audible, I explore the different sides of winning and losing...and what they mean to us in the grand scheme of things. |
Tue, 1 November 2016
Jo Miller is Founding Editor of BeLeaderly.com, CEO of Women’s Leadership Coaching, Inc., and the creator of the Women’s Leadership Coaching® system, a roadmap for women who want to break into leadership positions in business. Used successfully by thousands of women worldwide, the system identifies the key steps women must take to advance into positions of influence and leadership—especially in industries long considered “a man’s world,” such as technology, finance, and energy. Jo is an internationally sought-after speaker who delivers more than 60 presentations per year to audiences of up to 1,200 for women’s conferences, women’s professional associations, and Fortune 1000 corporate women’s initiatives.
Direct download: 80_Jo_Miller_Leads_and_Speaks_from_the_Heart.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST |