Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

Every leader knows doing everything ourselves is a cardinal sin...yet so many of us continue to insist "no one else can do what we do as well as we can do what we do."

Yikes. This mindset gets a lot of us into scalding hot water when we could be leisurely swimming in a pool that's at just the right temperature.

In today's conversation with the Chief Revenue Officer for BELAY, Lisa Seal guides us through the process of handing over tasks and systems to capable allies who want to help us grow our businesses. And here's the thing -- delegation is a skill we can use in EVERY aspect of our lives, including running our homes, managing our families, and the like.

Lisa utilizes her vast experience in growth management across several industries and various sales environments to work with sales professionals, empowering them to achieve – and exceed – their targets and help organizations grow.

A major goal of Lisa’s is helping clients climb higher by giving them the space, time, and energy to grow their business. Aiming beyond increasing profits, Lisa helps businesses increase their reach, provide more jobs, and prioritize their loved ones over their time in the office.

She believes that team collaboration and a healthy culture are the core of every department, allowing for extraordinary organizational growth. She is a goal-driven, thoughtful, competitive, compassionate leader with a profound love of learning and reading.

It is her mission to encourage others so they may achieve all that they dream.

Learn more about Lisa on her website:

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My latest book, The Far Unlit Unknown -- is available everywhere books are sold! Get your copy and learn more about it here

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@maryloukayser (Instagram) (LinkedIn)

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Share this episode with one person who could use a boost of inspiration and positivity today.

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Book a free call with me today to discuss that book you finally want to write in this year.

Direct download: Lisa_Seal.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:21am EST