Play Your Position with Mary Lou Kayser

Artificial Intelligence is here, and it's not the problem.

Let's get real about what the problem really is.

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Attention mid to senior level professionals! Have you answered the call to leadership and are thinking about leaving a meaningful legacy that makes a difference?

Registration for the Inspire Impact Lead Workshop is now open! * 

(secure your spot now -- space is limited)

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As always, Team PYP -- thank you for supporting the show!

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My latest book, The Far Unlit Unknown -- is available everywhere books are sold! Get your copy and learn more about it here

Are we connected yet on social? 

@maryloukayser (Instagram) (LinkedIn)

Here are three more ways I can help you:

Share this episode with one person who could use a boost of inspiration and positivity today.

Bring me in to speak at your next event.

Book a free call with me today to discuss that book you finally want to write in this year.

Direct download: AINottheProblem.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST